Ubuntu Touch Q&A 157 call for questions
Ubuntu Touch Q&A 157 is this Saturday 25th Jan at 19:00 UTC. We really appreciate your questions and involvement in the Q&As, so please post your questions below and we will do our utmost to answer them.
Remember that questions on porting to device **** or its status, and questions on bugs, will not be answered.
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I'd like to know if there will be any training courses on application development for Ubuntu Touch in the future, and if there are any up-to-date reference books. Last year I took part in jitsi sessions on application development, is this still going on?
Thank you to the people who devote themselves to keeping this environment alive.
Best regards. -
Will snaps that support push-notifications like Fluffychat work out of the box on UT?
Hi! What do you all think about the idea of a button to donate to porters/maintainers on the Devices webpage, similar to how it works in OpenStore?
Also, a note. You folks are very patient with some of the live Q&A questions. If you ever think it needs a moderator or something, let us know. It could be nice to sift out some of the more entitled, ungrateful people demanding that miracles be worked faster by largely unpaid developers.
We appreciate you immensely! -
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