Bootscreen Picture
Hi, is there a possibility to get rid off the Android Boot Screen? Fairphone powered by ubports would be nice like on oneplus 3 for example. Any ideas?
Well it might ... or might possible to load another splash screen, but I would not dare to do this on a Fairphone 4 for instance.
I've successfully done this some years ago on my previous Redmi Note 7, and it worked well.
First, create your own splash screen. It must be saved as an .img extension.
Then, put your device in fastboot mode and connect it to your computer. If it's Linux, use the terminal and move inside the Directory where you have the new screen you want to load.
Then enter:
fastboot flash splash newsplash.img
Replace "newsplash" by the exact name of your file.
Again, do this at your own risk as I don't know how Fairphone do manage this. It can lead to a complete softbrick of the device that only an EDL software can recover (must be sent to Fairphone technical service).
Tampering with a smartphone's fastboot partition is certainly the most dangerous possible type of operations.Take a look at here:
@stanwood well, thanks. Maybe the porters can do it within a new update. I don't want to risk to much. To use fastboot in linux is fine with me, but it should be safe. Otherwise its ok like it is and thanks to all (su)porters of the FP4, it's a nice device.