@UTdroid Hello, UTdroid, as @zubozrout wrote, the list on the UBports site with 21 supported devices (today and with the Focal OS version) is the best source to check compatibility with Ubuntu Touch. I was making the same decision as you a year ago. Phones marked with an asterisk should be the safest option, as I understand they are strategic for the community. But for me all of them were hard to buy or simply I did not like them technically (maybe I was wrong). In the end, I chose the Redmi Note 9 Pro. The argument was high progress of implementation of full functionality (98.2% now). And it was a good move - the device works great and I am happy with it. Probably, regardless of your final decision, there is no 100% certainty that the specific port will be maintained, but it is natural for open community. Make your good choice and have fun with Ubuntu Touch