Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure
This post is deleted! -
You did use this Android ROM:
Downloaded from the link in the devices page and installed using the MSM download tool?
Boot into recovery and under advanced options wipe the cache, then reboot if you have done the above and see if it boots into UT. Also in recovery, see what slot is active - slot:a or slot:b - it tells you at the top under the heading.
M Moem moved this topic from Support on
Thanks for getting back, since you said that, I downloaded the 10.5.2 from the link under the 'how to install touch os' from the page just incase different from the ubports link to the oneplus community unbrick archives and it's the same either way.
Recovery mode says port a. 'The boot loader is unlocked" screen stays on without booting into ut
although volume up & power pass through that screen into ubports recovery and same from there into fastbootThanks again
@MrT10001 & yeah i wiped the cache before re flashing ut
@moaner if it hangs, boot into but recovery, wipe the cache and reboot.
If it still hangs, boot to the bootloader (fastboot) and change the slot. If slot a is the active slot, change it to slot b.
@MrT10001 It's working now by some fluke it lost connection and ubports was looking for abd device so I put it in adb mode via the ut recovery menu and it updated and now boots into ut. I tried locking it to get rid of the nag screen but it wouldnt then boot at all, saying something was corrupt.
Cheers for your help, I'd given up otherwise
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
I tried locking it to get rid of the nag screen but it wouldnt then boot at all, saying something was corrupt.
You must NOT in any case relock the bootloader after installing UT on any device...
why are you being bossy
i'm on a trial and error endeavor here with all manner of effort rendered as minimal progress.
for the record i command prompt unlocked it again and it works ok.
@moaner incase anyone else on a newb level has a similar issue for whatever reason here is
what i encountered in my ignorance when trying to get ubuntu touch on a oneplus nord n100...following tutorials using fastboot in linux, i missed that the 10.5.2 unbrick tool is native to windows
and on establishing that having bricked the phone into qualcomm crash dump mode (using a .img file from the xda forum via fastboot/adb in linux terminal) I found that to power off the phone and get it in edl mode the cable had to be detached to prevent a boot loop.Powering off the phone in the stock fastboot mode without the usb cable attached enabled edl mode to be recognised in the windows 11 unbrick tool from the stock 10.5.2 msm download tool v4.
if in a boot loop the usb cable needs to be detached and the power off option from the stock fastboot menu needs to be used to power down to then hold the volume up & down keys to get the device into edl mode and flash the stock rom. (
(The MSM download tool needs to be run as administrator in windows)(And as an aside, google play needs to get network access before oem unlocking can be switched on).
Then due to qualcomm driver issues (although they need installing in windows 11), the device won't show in fastboot mode (or didn't for me) so the bootloader unlocking needed to be done in linux and although it said waiting for device, by powering into fastboot mode (hold vol up and power), the bootloader unlock menu appeared which it didnt for some reason in windows.)
Then in ubports i think stalling the install when the orange robot recovery menu appears on the phone by disconnecting the usb cable, then allows for going into the advanced menu options and enabling adb and then reconnecting the usb cable, helps enable a functional installation.
Having gone round in loops several times, this is what got me the successful installation on my 2013 Nord N100.
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
why are you being bossy
i'm on a trial and error endeavor here with all manner of effort rendered as minimal progress.
> for the record i command prompt unlocked it again and it works ok.
You were quite fortunate. Relocking the bootloader with no operating system on, or a system like UT or PostmarketOS, generally results in a brick which if you are lucky, re-unlocking works or you can get to fastboot or you can get the device into EDL mode.
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
why are you being bossy
That's not being bossy, that's a strongly worded and very sensible warning. As stated above, relocking the boot loader is for most devices a guaranteed and very short road to a bricked device. We don't want people running that risk if it can be avoided.
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
why are you being bossy
I'm not.
Sorry you feel that way.
I intended to be clear. -
@Moem clearly as fore mentioned, i lack knowledge in quite a broad area so your boyfriend's abruptness seemed a bit like a tone problem which he kindly popped back in and commented on
@moaner Can you please refrain from making assumptions on the relationship of anyone using this Forum and stick to the reason we are all here, Ubuntu Touch and UBports. Thank you.
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
so your boyfriend's abruptness seemed a bit like a tone problem
You felt "bossed" and that was not my intention. I apologised but that's not enough for you ?
So you think you have the right to call Moem, that know me and my intentions better here because she is part of the community for much more time than you, with names ?
You're not on X here.
You're on a European forum for a worldwide open-source project with open-minded people from Earth. -
@Keneda is there any way you could say that that isn't in a cat voice
the man prior requested no deviation from the two specific topics of ubports and ubuntu touch,
this is the first time I got involved with either looking for help and to be fair have been polite until
we met.I'll speak for myself as i wish. If you don't like it then throw me out or block me
@moaner said in Oneplus Nord N100 boot failure:
I'll speak for myself as i wish. If you don't like it then throw me out or block me
We can do that. Please consider this your official warning. You can either play nice, or play elsewhere.