Unable to format userdata
Hi all,
I have an X306FA and as there is no Android 11 firmware for this model available I took the risk and flashed TB_X306F_S230626_230530_BMP (since A only seem to stand for Alexa).
It was a success and I confirmed I could boot into Android 11.
I then followed the instructions from https://gitlab.com/ubports/porting/community-ports/android11/lenovo-tab-m10-hd/lenovo-m10-hd
It worked all well until
fastboot format:ext4 userdata
:Warning: userdata type is raw, but ext4 was requested for formatting. FAILED (remote: 'Could not open partition') fastboot: error: Command failed
This seems to be weird, since the partition is available
fastboot getvar all
:(bootloader) partition-type:userdata:raw (bootloader) has-slot:userdata:no (bootloader) is-logical:userdata:no
(There doesn't seem to be a size entry tho)
Erase also not working:
Erasing 'userdata' FAILED (remote: 'Partition doesn't exist')
I then went into the recovery and did a factory reset for data and system. No change. I then decided to flash the userdata again with fastboot since I thought maybe the inital boot to android changed something but I there is no change. I took the firmware from the github repo: https://github.com/rubencarneiro/amar_row_wifi/releases
I confirmed I use the recommended fastboot version:
fastboot version 30.0.0-6374843
Now I do not have any ideas left...
@sepatu Are you using a standalone fastboot copy? Which OS are you using? I use Ubuntu and whenever I have error using fastboot, I just use the fastboot copy I downloaded. Make sure you run your local copy instead of the system one by changing directory to where the fastboot is then use
./fastboot <command>
@kugiigi I use arch linux, and the fastboot is the correct version as mentioned in the readme. Confirmed with
./fastboot --version
. I also tried it with my sdk installed fastboot (v35), with the same results.I'm trying it with the official UBPorts installer now, and sse if I have success there. But the downloads there are very slow at ~80kbps, so it probably need a couple more hours until I can test it.
@sepatu Hi, I ran into the same issue. I did all the other install-steps. And after installation I did the format of userdata in recovery mode. This worked for me.
@zedr0k You mean right after
fastboot flash system ./ubuntu.img
? -
@sepatu Right. After the last step (
fastboot flash system ./ubuntu.img
) I rebooted into recovery and did the format of userdata. Then rebooted into ubports. First boot need a few minutes. -
Oh perhaps you're in the wrong fastboot? fastboot is different from fastbootd. Not sure where you're supposed to format userdata though.
thank you. I missed the "fastboot reboot fastboot" step. My mistake (I should have read more carefully). Thank you very much for your work.