Latest update means a no boot device.
The last two updates have stopped the device booting into Ubuntu Touch. I have exhausted all the usual steps and the process repeats itself. Update, reboot to install and stuck on Lenovo screen. After that, no boot at all. Revert to Xenial and the tablets boot into UT.
My advice, DO NOT update if you are on Focal. The device won't boot into UT.
@MrT10001 Yes, I was testing a rootfs.img on data partition, instead of systempartition and found that it boots more stable. But it seems that, when installing it using ubports installer, something doesn't work yet.
I will rollback the change, for now.
@Luksus Ok, I thought it was something along those lines. I have a shed load of these tablets (either smashed screen but working or USB port is hit and miss) and tested it out on three. I have managed using various hardware boot methods to always get the tablet to boot into UT and found it odd with a complete refusal. What I have found though is some devices will boot 100% into UT, whereas as some are absolute pigs to get to boot into UT and I don't know why, especially when the hardware revision is the same. I had to revert back to 16.04 on my main use one (games and YouTube).
Thanks for all the hard work.
Don't you have a partition size problem (too small)? -
@Vlad-Nirky Not as far as I know. I haven't manually altered any of the partitions and the devices albeit difficult to boot before hand, always booted to UT. I have put both back to 16.04 and both have booted fines.
OK, i was saying that because (and i guess you know) that partition size switching version sometime can block install.
When blocked, can you go to adb shell and execute a df -H ?
Regards. -
Tomorrow, the installer should work again for focal.