Calls & Messages Tab are empty - BQ E4.5 Xential
Today, i upgrade my 'Bq Aquaris E4.5' to 16.04. Everything seems that are ok except these issue.
The two Tabs Calls and Messages are empty and doesn't show the history. I have already installed the following apps manually, but is seems there are not support Xential yet. i open the Messaging app, the messages history are there.
Same happens with the calls. If i open the Phone app the calls history are there.Any idea how to fix that?
@vagrale13 hi, those scopes don't work on xenial.
FYI most scopes are going to be deprecated.
I understand. But these apps are too useful.
Now i tested the other choices like Cinema, Films, Youtube, etc. and all tabs are blank except the Apps tab.
I'm not sure if the problem is in the apps or something else.