since Anbox is finally here and usable more than ever before, who wouldn't want to play with it.Unfortunately only the most powered devices were selected for this right now - leaving MX4 behind. But thanks to Marius arale is now in too :).
So, either build it on your own or download a boot image for arale here:
https://gitlab.com/zubozrout/kernel_arale (kernel patched with anbox stuff)
https://iubuntu.cz/mx4/arale-boot-anbox-ubports-latest.img (I'd recommend this one as it has the latest initrd.img)Then continue by installing the above images just as mentioned here:
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/1676/development-testers-for-anboxIf the image is flashed and your system booted up you should be able to check anbox binder is available eg. like this:
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ file /dev/anbox-binder /dev/anbox-binder: character special (511/0)
Installing Anbox may become a bit tricky since we have little space to operate with - so remount your / partition rw as mentioned in the original post, update and upgrade via apt, create some folder in your home, called e.g. "anbox" and do this:
apt -o Dir::Cache::Archives=/home/phablet/anbox install anbox-ubuntu-touch
Now we are almost there. You can now delete that new folder in home with all its content.
However in order for the last step:
anbox-tool install
to work you'll need to do this:sudo nano /usr/bin/anbox-tool
and edit this line (it is one of the first lines of code, bellow the license comment):
DEVICES_URL = "https://iubuntu.cz/mx4/devices.json"
(not leaving anything after it - on this line)No we have swapped the json file which it checks against with our own containing arale in the list.
Now just do the mentioned
anbox-tool install
- it will take a while. And you are good to go :).Enjoy
PS. Thank you very much Marius for your precious time and very valuable help with this :).
I was wondering what was going on here:
apt -o Dir::Cache::Archives=/home/phablet/anbox install anbox-ubuntu-touch
On Telegram zubozrout explained that :
"Well all it does if I parse it right is that it downloads the packages to a specified folder instead of the cache folder on the root filesystem (if you pick a folder in your home for instance) and then installs it from there. So it may not help if the rootfs is too full since the installed files end up where they should anyway but it saves a small part needed for the actual download which may allow you to install it."