semantic versioning for UT
With the new idea for changing up OTA process, I also want to propose new version system that makes sense.
I propose to use Semantic Versioning way we could completely get rid of framework and only rely on the version to describe both version and api/abi compat. It would also give you a lot more info about the version you are on example that a major bump has a much bigger change then for example patch.
MAJOR: bigger change that Breaks ABI/API
MINOR: adds backwards-compatible bug fixes, changes and functionality (may break smaller library ABI in really special cases, but this should be notified about!)
PATCH: adds backwards-compatible bug fixes.Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
This would be how our different channels would look
1.6.2-beta2 -> 1.6.2-rc1 -> 1.6.2
beta -> rc -> stableThis way you would know what version becomes what, example you know that 1.6.2-rc will become 1.6.2 stable.
This fits great in with the "gotta go fast" proposal by dalton, here is an example how that would work
1 week:
- 1.5.6-devel0
- 1.5.6-devel1
- ----- / ----- Devel continues like this daily
- Last weeks rc becomes stable: 1.5.5-rc1 -> 1.5.5
- Last devel build of the week becomes rc: 1.5.6-devel6 -> 1.5.6-rc1
2 week:
- New devel version starts: 1.5.7-devel1
- Last weeks rc becomes stable: 1.5.6-rc1 -> 1.5.6
- Last devel build of the week becomes rc: 1.5.7-devel6 -> 1.5.7-rc1
- This continues weekly.
Then monthly we do a minor bump with more advances feathers.
We could also do a mix between slow and fast, where we are releasing stable monthly:
1 week:- 1.5.6-devel0
- 1.5.6-devel1
- ----- / ----- Devel continues like this daily
- Last devel build of the week becomes rc: 1.5.6-devel6 -> 1.5.6-rc1
2 week:
- Devel continues daily
- Last devel build of the week becomes rc: 1.5.6-devel12 -> 1.5.6-rc2
- This continues weekly
Then after the month is over last weeks rc becomes stable: 1.5.6-rc1 -> 1.5.6
xenial stable: 1.6.2
xenial rc: 1.6.2-rc0
xenial rc: 1.6.2-rc1
xenial devel: 1.6.2-devel1
bionic devel: 2.6.2-devel1We would also make a clear build date in settings, this way we can know we are on the latest build.
But this is not really any different from a framework version. The real problem isn't whether or not the version referenced is
or justX
as is proposed, but whether what's on the image will satisfy that ABI or not No "semantic versioning" proposal will solve that issue really, because we don't provide the ABI/API as something for which multiple versions can be installed. -
@mariogrip content wise I dont have a strong opinion pro/contra, just some minor nitpicking:
most of the time you start counting at devel0, except in gotta go fast, week 2. please make it consistent.
i think your final example would be morr logical if it were
bionic: 2.3.7-devel1 because minor and patch will not be equal with xenial in general, but the label at the end will.
it would help to link the gottagofast thread
@mariogrip said in semantic versioning for UT:
Last weeks rc becomes stable: 1.5.5-rc1 -> 1.5.6
I think this is confusing. I prefer the Debian scheme where 1.5.6~rc1 -> 1.5.6
@alan_g Same here; maven versioning which i'm used to also goes from 1.5.6-SNAPSHOT -> 1.5.6 (release).
@alan_g Yes that what i meant, sorry a mistake.
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