Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121 & F5122)
@rjb Than thats even better. The rest is easy, so they say
Ok, GPS does not work on my Xx.
Does anyone have the same issue? Do you think that reflashing could solve the issue?
@Giampy: Flashlight works fine on my Xx, too
Regarding the funding of the port. Maybe UBports or @fredldotme should give a recommendation how much someone, who wants to use the port, should donate. I know paying for stuff in foss world is always a difficult topic, but maybe that would help to generate some more donations. Furthermore, it would make it easier for people like me, who don't have any clue how much would be a fair amount. Is it 10€? 30€? 50€? Or even more? I don't know.
At the end it's not that different what Jolla does. If I want to use an official port from Jolla, then I have to pay 50 €. If the phone breaks, then I have to spend another 50 €.
@rjb I don't remember the issue I had when I was flashing my Xx but I ended up in linux as well. Maybe it was some driver incompatibility. On linux it is just 10 times easier.
@makeixo said in Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121):
Ok, GPS does not work on my Xx.
Does anyone have the same issue? Do you think that reflashing could solve the issue?
@Giampy: Flashlight works fine on my Xx, too
Regarding the funding of the port. Maybe UBports or @fredldotme should give a recommendation how much someone, who wants to use the port, should donate. I know paying for stuff in foss world is always a difficult topic, but maybe that would help to generate some more donations. Furthermore, it would make it easier for people like me, who don't have any clue how much would be a fair amount. Is it 10€? 30€? 50€? Or even more? I don't know.
At the end it's not that different what Jolla does. If I want to use an official port from Jolla, then I have to pay 50 €. If the phone breaks, then I have to spend another 50 €.
Said me how to donate!
@makeixo Thanks for bringing that up. The problem is probably that it depends on the user what it's worth for him/her. I can't deny being happy about bigger donations but it all depends on what you feel it's worth it to have the port of a GNU/Linux distribution on the Xperia X.
@Giampy For more information about donations please head over to
Another new Ubports-on-XperiaX user here - thanks a lot for the port, @fredldotme ! My first impression: Still some crashes, but in general seems to work very fine. So happy about finally getting off my BQ Aquarius E4.5 which started to show serious signs of decay...
My questions:
- Any way of donating money to you without using Paypal? I would love to donate on Liberapay, but I do not want to use Paypal. I suppose setting up a Stripe account is too much hassle?
- Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere: How do OS updates work for an install following the instructions at the top of this thread? Will they arrive automatically, like OTAs on stable channel?
@kalle-kruse Glad you like it. Regarding stability: I've pushed some changes which are related to Bluetooth startup, stability should be much better now, especially at bootup.
Regarding donations: I could look into it but it will probably take some time. I haven't heard about Stripe but it seems to be catered towards businesses.
About OTAs: Yes, devices in the community channel receive updates just like official devices would. The BT fixes I mentioned should land within the next two days.
In other news: I've enabled the remaining necessary changes for Anbox to work on the Xperia X. These changes, also, should land within the next two days.
@fredldotme said in Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121):
The problem is probably that it depends on the user what it's worth for him/her.
That's hard to say. I have no idea how many hours you have spent on it. How difficult it is to write a port like this. How many users are already using/supporting the port. Will the Xx be at some point a core device which can replace my Xx with SFOS?
A SFOS app developer gives users the option to choose how much they want to pay. He offers 3 categories. This would take in consideration what you have said.
There could be a 3 category recommendation (one-off payment/monthly):- "I am broke"/"just want to play a little around"
- "I use it as daily driver"/"I love the port"
- "I am a power user"/ "it's the greatest port ever"
This way user could categorize themselves and the system would be flexible enough that user can donate some amount between 1 and 2 or 2 and 3.
@fredldotme said in Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121):
In other news: I've enabled the remaining necessary changes for Anbox to work on the Xperia X. These changes, also, should land within the next two days.
@makeixo I've been working on this port in my spare time for around 1,5 years now. Difficulty wise, it requires programming skills which some might consider to be hard. And yes, I don't rule out it becoming a core device in the future, at least with arm64 bringup.
Edit: basically I don't want to disappoint possible donors in that their contributions might be too low for what's required.
@fredldotme said in Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121):
@makeixo I've been working on this port in my spare time for around 1,5 years now.
I know that. I have followed it. But this part was more or less rhetorical with points I would have to consider.
But what I know for sure. I would donate some extra money if someone achieves that the camera finally takes some decent pictures. I know that has nothing to do with the port - its a DRM Key thingy. It is just a waste. :expressionless_face:
@fredldotme said in Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121):
at least with arm64 bringup.
What do you mean by that? I thought it is arm64 build. Is there another version?
@makeixo said in Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121):
What do you mean by that? I thought it is arm64 build. Is there another version?
May interest you: the 14 Jan post in this thread, last two paragraphs.
@ziggutas Oh, seems like I don't have an arm64 build. I thought that it there just were an arm64 build. :astonished_face:
@fredldotme First, thanks a lot.
I've moved from an xperia X to XA2 to benefit off Android 8 on SailfishOS and I didn't know what to do with my X. Now, I'm using your port which is fantastic .The remaining problems for me are :
when connected to my car, the mic is not redirected to the one from the car. So, I can't use the phone to call someone or answer :(.flash doesn't work with the camera app (but flashlight does).
looks like when calling someone, using the speaker doesn't work
no way to connect to my exchange account ... but that's another story .
thanks again.
I need to get out some cash and will give you some buckets for sure.
Hi, is the procedure described in the first post still correct, or is there a shorter way of doing it?
@ruedigerkupper Hi,
I've followd this first post on my X with SFOS and it worked straight forward ...
From SFOS, I've only reflashed SW_binaries_for_Xperia_AOSP_N_MR1_5.7_r1_v08_loire.img and install Ubuntu through UBports Installer
@mousse04 said in Sony Xperia X (suzu/F5121):
The remaining problems for me are :
when connected to my car, the mic is not redirected to the one from the car. So, I can't use the phone to call someone or answer :(.
flash doesn't work with the camera app (but flashlight does).
looks like when calling someone, using the speaker doesn't work
no way to connect to my exchange account ... but that's another story .If I take back my list :
Problems are still there except that with before version 213, when enabling the bluetooth, it was not really enabled and I had to reboot the device to make the bluetooth enabled.
With version 213, when you enable the bluetooth from the top menu, it is now really enabled.
But still the same problem with the mic when phone is connected to my car during a call. -
@mousse04 audio rerouting is faulty at the moment, it might take some time until that is fixed.
I have reflashed the device yesterday.
GPS doesn't work - with or without sim card.
Does anyone have an idea, what could be the problem?
@makeixo I've used GPS just yesterday with a SIM inserted. You probably need to be outside and walk a short while. Took me around 30 secs to get a fix. How long do you wait for a fix?
Ok thanks. I will try that out today.
Well, I tried it several times during the day - but inside.