Oneplus 3/3T
@Flohack Replied before I could. So i will run through your questions as much as I can.
1, Yes that is well known, both are addressed in this thread.The installer has a message pointing out there may be issues. The need for TWRP is also in this thread.
2, Also mentioned in the thread above as far as I can remember. Though it should now work (it does for me) though you still can't sync it with Evernote yet without an external keyboard.
3, Must admit I've not tried Libertine yet but guess that is also known and been worked on. Don't think it works on any arm64 devices yet.
4, Those apps will have a link to report issues to the developer in the app details in the OpenStore
5, Unfortunatley the camera issues are well known and include the zoom not working it's the same on the OPO as well. Camera issues are long standing and not easy/possible to fix. Bug reports have been done etc. Sorry but I don't have the link to hand.So in short the issues are known about, being worked on or can be reported to the app developers. Also as @Flohack said this device though usable as a daily driver and very close, is not a completed port yet.
@bsdfreak Hi, thanks for advice, believe or not, I do have a great appreciation for UT developers, because I'm developer too. But, I think, since, this forum exists, people, who created it, shold also value customer's time. If there is no time for support, just close the forum, it would be fair enough, rather than pretend that there is a place, where tou can ask the question, and receive any answer, and in reality, wait for 2 weeks. Really, it's just the matter of principle, do something good or not do at all, I believe that, tell me if I wrong.
@Flohack said in Oneplus 3/3T:
but unless there are more
this is not an excuse, in my opinion, you are able to expand developers community easily, but for some reason you don't. I'll give an example, I filled in the form here "", where pointed out that I am able to help with UT as a developer, 2 weeks ago, and haven't receive any answer yet, so I think the problem is not with lack of developers who wants to join and help with ports or bug fixes, but rather in management...
@Lakotaubp thanks a lot for the answer, appreciate it
@Mykhailo Please remember that except for I think about 3 people everyone else here is a volunteer so "working" in their free time. We do not have full-time staff who can answer enquiries straight away. It all takes time with people having to work to make a living or whatever and do what they can to help the progress of Ubuntu Touch and UBports. I'm sure your offer has been received and is being looked into.
Please do not take this the wrong way, but many questions are answered in a matter of hours where possible and most of the answers to your questions where already available in that thread with a bit of checking. Also not many are using the OP3 yet so not many available to respond.
Still I hope you continue to enjoy Ubuntu Touch on your OP3 and the progress it is making. -
@Mykhailo you can volunteer in getting this stuff done, 2 weeks no reply is nothing
Some people sit there and wait for months....
The problem is really, how do we manage this? We need people who can figure out stuff on their own, its hard to introduce new developers into the special needs of UT. We cannot do lessons for API programming, Anbox, porting etc. That would be nice, but then most of our stuff would be into teaching only, adn we currently have a lot of higher priorities.
It turned out that the "Join Us" process is of no use, basically you join us if you start making pull request. Unfortunately people now think that they are getting kinda starter package from us, which we cannot provide in whatever form this should be. So, rather start coding and doing stuff. 500 open tickets are waiting on GithubLater on, when foundation has stabilized, "Jojn Us" will mean something like "I have contributed for some time to the project, now I want to be member of one of the steering comittees, in order to gain advantages and voting rights for the functions in the foundation".
But "Join Us" has already happened in the moment you got interested
No further action needed. I ask you, what would you expect to happen next?
@Mykhailo We are not pretending that this is a place were people find answers, its just that the people in need for answers vs. people able to answer those questions is roughly 100:1 and I am not joking.
I struggle reading all telegram messages (a few hunderd to 1000 a day), I cant catch up with the forum, and finally I cannot follow all bug reports on Github and Gitlab. We have 450 repositories there, and never less than 500-700 tickets open. And all that with a team of a handful of employees, not all of the fulltime, and then the community.
As you are right, a community is not self-organizing it needs some management. Unfortunately we attract a lot of people that are totally motivated to do stuff, but are hard to manage
- They have varying times when they can do stuff, their level of education varies, they suddenly have issues with their job, or can only work in school/uni breaks etc.
You cannot expect that syncint those people is an easy job. What we would need however are people loving structure to kick some things into shape. Management of what we have, not extending it immediately. Its not even possible e.g. that someone creates test plans for the phone functions, because its a really boring job. Seems unless you pay for that you wont get it.
Long story short: We are heavily undermanned, and need a lot more people that work constantly on their area. Not so much onboard/offboarding as it happens now. Some people have agreed to do stuff e.g. and then disappeared as they found out its "real work".
@Flohack Ok, I got the point, thanks, and, probably, all you mentioned is true, I got use to work in warm office chair, where I have tickets assigned by PM. But here, to get stuff done, I should dive into github and find the way I can contribute by myself. It would be challenging for me, but I'll try ). Currently, I've found issues list for OP3 (""device%3A+oneplus3"")
the next step is to find repo, related to some particular issue, and try to guess, what to do next -
A suggestion regarding your feedback or bug report, try to separate what could be related to the device vs the operating system, and look into the OP3 issue if it's not already opened/mentioned.
For the source of the OP3
You can click on commit to see the work on the device.
Some extra information that might be outdated :
We should work on closing bug : several have been fixed over the recent months.Update for all, regarding this bug
I've found a fix, @Xray2000 helped me to test it, now I need to see with Vince how to push it -
I received an update today, v289. I installed it and when it rebooted after the install, the phone powered off right after the powered by android screen. I tried reinstalling it from the ubports installer, same issue. Then i flashed twrp, wiped all partitions, formatted data, installed again. Still same issue. Any idea why this is happening ? Also i had 15% battery when updating but my device was plugged in.
First of all: Thank you for your effort.
As the Oneplus 3/3T is a very powerful device hardwarewise, it would be great if we got UBports running stable without any greater issues on this device.
I dream about how impressive 4 Cores and 6 GB-Ram could be in terms of convergence.I've a OP3T myself and wanted to try building Halium and UBPorts myself, however i couldn't find any build-incstructions or tutorial which was not slightly outdated.
Is there any non outdated Tutorial, Video, Step-By-Step-guide or script that could point me in the right direction.
Thank you in advance.
I have the same problem as random with today's update. The battery was fully charged. I don't think the device has shut down. The screen is black, but you have to press the power button for a long time to restart the device. What can you do to fix the problem? Another update cannot be installed after all.
Having the same issue with today's update the phone is useless. Anyone know what happened? Using the ubports installer does not resolve the issue.
@shapley yeah i've reinstalled thrice in total and wiped everything. Even with 100% battery
Will try and find out. Asking in QA Group now
Have had to rapidly re-deploy an old android phone as a backup. No word on this from UBPorts yet. I think there needs to be a 'stable' channel for the OP3T intead of just 'edge' channel to prevent further issues.
@shapley Thats the nature of the edge channel unfortunatly. Expect the unexpected. Though these dev devices work well 90% of the time that 10% jumps in. Bootloader and adb shell still work. Will get back to you when I know something
Same issue as others with the latest update
Any one remember installing 288 at all.Working on something now. Thanks
Not just OP3 all edge devices are broken. Dalton is looking into it