Hello, I was in contact with the developer of pure maps to see if he would be interested in porting to ubuntu touch, but he had a few questions..
From the developer:
""good question. I don't mind getting it running on UBPorts, I just lack info regarding it. As far as I heard, its also based on QML/Qt, but with UBPorts specific API.
In particular, I don't know whether UBPorts API based on QtControls2? If it is, it should be trivial to get it running. What about Kirigami? Currently, Pure Maps and OSM Scout Server support Silica, QtControls2, and Kirigami.
If you use some specific API, we would have to make new platform specific code. In practice, its not difficult, just would take some time. So, if you have someone who knows how to program under UBPort, I'll be able to help that person out and together it should be rather quick.
There are few other things that need to be ported, but I would expect it will be trivial as it is Linux.
Where could we get in touch that way that we can attract UBPorts developers? Looks like your mailing lists are pretty much dead."
Can anyone help with this?