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Best posts made by shapley
One Plus 3T Bluetooth
Hi Devs,
Just wanted to congratulate the development team on the implementation of bluetooth on the OP3T . As of today (update 276) has mostly solved a lot of device connectivity issues for me. Only problem left is the 'keyboard' hang when you switch off bluetooth, it keeps requiring the keyboard to unlock the device.
I'm sure this is just a temporary glitch, so well done! just the external display to sort out then we have a fully converged device.
RE: Welcome to the UBports community! Introduce yourself here!
Hi Everyone,
My name is Paul Shapley and I think I'm probably the oldest on the forum at 54. I work in the UK with Geographical Information Systems and I'm a huge Ubuntu fan using this platform as a daily driver.
I'm not a developer but I do have technical skills in open source mapping. I had an old OnePlus One left in a draw when I saw that UBports had developed a port for it on 'omgubuntu' several weeks ago and couldn't wait to install it. I'm converted already.
I would love to help to get some open source mapping applications currently only available on Android across to UT through Anbox. I've already got a UT Webapp for one of them but not in the store.
RE: webapp-container
export MIR_SOCKET=/var/run/mir_socket
The above command solved this for me as was suggested here:-
Thanks for your help
Paul Shapley
Latest posts made by shapley
RE: UBports OS broken in my pinephone
Hi imermauba,
Have you tried the ubports installer 0.4.18 it has an image for the Pinephone.
Nexus 4 update version 326
Hi All Nexus 4 users,
Has anyone else had the version 326 (edge) update fail to install when you click 'Restart & install' all it does is go back to the 'update' screen in system settings and remains in the list. Will it 'bung up' any further updates if I ignore it?
Thanks everyone.
RE: Nexus 4 OpenStore access
@dobey Seems to have repaired with a reboot. Sorry to have wasted a post. Many thanks
RE: Nexus 4 OpenStore access
Many thanks for your response. When you activate the store I just get a spinning circle.
Nexus 4 OpenStore access
Hi Users,
Can someone confirm whether the Nexus 4 can no longer access the 'OpenStore. On an old handset I have updated to UT but the OpenStore fails possibly due to older architecture of handset which is a shame as it has a lot going for it...connects to external display with working display screen as pointing device, camera, bluetooth better that Nexus 5 in some respects.
Caller 'echo' on OnePlus 3T devices
Hi OP3T users,
I am getting reports from 'callers' about self-echoing when calling into a OP3T device. Just wondered if this is a reported issue elsewhere. I can here the caller with no issues on the OP3T.
RE: Oneplus 3/3T
@Lakotaubp Thanks Lakotaubp that seems to be allowing me to re-set the device now. Thanks again for looking into this so rapidly.
RE: Oneplus 3/3T
Have had to rapidly re-deploy an old android phone as a backup. No word on this from UBPorts yet. I think there needs to be a 'stable' channel for the OP3T intead of just 'edge' channel to prevent further issues.
RE: Oneplus 3/3T
Having the same issue with today's update the phone is useless. Anyone know what happened? Using the ubports installer does not resolve the issue.
One Plus 3T Bluetooth
Hi Devs,
Just wanted to congratulate the development team on the implementation of bluetooth on the OP3T . As of today (update 276) has mostly solved a lot of device connectivity issues for me. Only problem left is the 'keyboard' hang when you switch off bluetooth, it keeps requiring the keyboard to unlock the device.
I'm sure this is just a temporary glitch, so well done! just the external display to sort out then we have a fully converged device.