Xiaomi Redmi 4X (santoni)
@stanwood There are not working urls:
https://ci.ubports.com/view/Device Compatibility Images/job/Device Compatibility Images/job/halium-santoni/184/artifact/halium-unlocked-recovery_santoni.img
https://ci.ubports.com/view/Device Compatibility Images/job/Device Compatibility Images/job/halium-santoni/184/artifact/halium-boot_santoni.img
Someone should change config for Redmi 4X. -
@mrn Thank you, I'll ask our developers to fix the issue soon.
This post is deleted! -
@Danct12 I don't know If files on this directory are related or not
https://ci.ubports.com/job/Device Compatibility Images/job/halium-santoni/ -
Is there a workaround or trick to install UT on the Redmi with the Installer? I´ve got the same probs with the lost internet connection, on Ubuntu and MacOS.
@silveroffspring Try launch installer via terminal using this command : ubports-installer -f ./path/to/config.json
Use default config for santoni and you must replace not working links with working ones. You also need change sha256 checksum for replaced files. -
@stanwood I did install fastboot and adb of course and they works just fine
@LordVeverka Thanks for your help. I tried, but it doesn´t work or I´m not getting it right.
I just wait for a fix of the installer.
They've fixed it
Many thanks @Danct12 for your work... (and and whoever fixed the problem with the ubports_installer
Two questions: I see that I cannot access my Santoni via adb shell (as I do with my E4.5)- Can it be enabled?
- I suppose it is related but,
Can I use the RNDIS function?
Thank you in advance
@Jdro adb is mostly disabled in Halium ports, try ssh phablet@ instead
Ok. I have configured ssh access.
Thank you very much. -
Sorry for disturbing, is there any working way for enabling apk support like anbox installing?
Is there a way to install UT from fastboot command line ( boot, recovery, system) because i can't get UBports installer to work ( stuck for long time on preparing images...... and nothing is happening, cache system data is ext4 format)? I'm on win10 x64.
Thank you! -
Does anbox work?
Please Explain installation step by step because the installer stuck on preparing system image.
I really want to try Ubuntu touch.
I found this link :
Is this the right link which i should download files from ? -
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