Futify (spotify client) need beta testers
but can i also playing offline (Download) Spotify songs?
And the playing song, is that in buffer to save mobile data?
Hi, I just installed it on a pixel 3a, it works very well so far.
thanks a lot for your great work!just one annoying point, when you click to play a playlist, it takes minutes before starting and you think it doesn't work. Maybe it download everthing before playing?
@anonymoustly "playing offline" is not implemented today, but I have a way to do it... Just need time! The data is not cached but it should be easy to add an in memory buffer, please open an issue in gitlab to follow this topic
@thierry83 "minutes" seems really to big. No song are pre-downloaded so the app does nothing when you click on play. Maybe the first song is really long to download. When you click on "play", futify create a playlist in media-hub and media-hub start to download first song, when there are some bytes of song, it play it.
Futify is released on open-store
Thanks to all of you! And please test the new version, lot of improvements come with it :face_with_tongue:
@manland Thank you very much for your work, this is a truely awsome app
Hi, will it support spotify connect in the future? Some wok was already done with Hutspot, maybe the source needed is already there?
Just a litlle note to let you know Futify is now translatable
. If you speak a second language, please consider adding it in futify before the next release
To do it you need to copy
from https://gitlab.com/frenchutouch/futify/-/tree/master/i18n rename intoYOUR_CODE.ts
and translate all target balise in it. Then make a merge-request. Tha's all :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:And please don't forget to add your
in open-store for Futify! It have only 6
we need to increase that as soon as possible :flexed_biceps:
:vulcan_salute: :kiss_mark:
Hi, tried it out for a bit on focal Lenovo X605F and seems to work fine, nice work! Is there a plan to work on spotify connect support? I've managed to turn my tablet into a hacky always on spotify wifi receiver using librespot in a libertine container, would be also nice if I could control it directly from that tablet, not just from other devices
Futify does not connect anymore, and, what is worse, Spotify considers it a be a security risk. Yesterday I tried to use futify and to log in with my username and password without success; today I got an email telling me that the had to reset my password because of "suspisious activities". See https://forums.ubports.com/topic/10567/spotify-blockt-futifySo, it just doesn't work anymore.