Futify (spotify client) need beta testers
Hi, will it support spotify connect in the future? Some wok was already done with Hutspot, maybe the source needed is already there?
Just a litlle note to let you know Futify is now translatable
. If you speak a second language, please consider adding it in futify before the next release
To do it you need to copy
from https://gitlab.com/frenchutouch/futify/-/tree/master/i18n rename intoYOUR_CODE.ts
and translate all target balise in it. Then make a merge-request. Tha's all :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:And please don't forget to add your
in open-store for Futify! It have only 6
we need to increase that as soon as possible :flexed_biceps:
:vulcan_salute: :kiss_mark:
Hi, tried it out for a bit on focal Lenovo X605F and seems to work fine, nice work! Is there a plan to work on spotify connect support? I've managed to turn my tablet into a hacky always on spotify wifi receiver using librespot in a libertine container, would be also nice if I could control it directly from that tablet, not just from other devices
Futify does not connect anymore, and, what is worse, Spotify considers it a be a security risk. Yesterday I tried to use futify and to log in with my username and password without success; today I got an email telling me that the had to reset my password because of "suspisious activities". See https://forums.ubports.com/topic/10567/spotify-blockt-futifySo, it just doesn't work anymore.