bq m10 HD touch screen goes nuts
Since this morning my bq m10 HD is unusable - whenever I start it, it seems to lead a life on its own. The screen is hardly responding to touches anymore, but works on a "ghost-entries", changing programs on its own, writing weird text in the appearing pass word phrase window etc.
I had it running on dev channel, and thought this weird behavior was caused by the latest version, 528, which I wasn't able to start at all (no way to enter my pin code, because the field was filled mysteriously with signs on its own) so I switched to rc. I was able to open the screen, but didn't get much further; same behavior as before
So I switched to stable; at least I was able to open programs, but the indicator panel still keeps opening up, switching between different entries on its own; and as I write this post other programs start to open up to....
Any ideas what is wrong here?
The tablet is new, I bought it in March of this year. I had this happening once before, but was able to fix it by reinstalling/changing the Channel.
EDIT: Looks like a hardware problem - when I run tests in the factory mode the touch screen test shows weird pattern... Could the glass protection I put on the screen cause this behavior? It used to work with it, though. Right now the air humidity is rather high, could that be the reason?...
Humidity might be the cause, but erratic behavior are frequently due to a loose cable.
Probably the one from the screen to the motherboard.
When I had the M10 I never tried to open it, but if you feel adventurous you may open it and check the connectors.As it is new I advice to use the warranty.
Thanks for your suggestions! I hope, I don't need to open it...
After another channel switch, using edge this time, the tablet works again. I thought edge and dev were merged?... Anyway, now I'm back to dev, it works for the time being, and I hope it stays that way.
Does anyone know where I can find the m10 ubuntu edition? Im in the US...
I'm assuming it runs well on that phone because it's native....
Nowhere, it is not sold as Ubuntu edition any more; you'd need to get an android device and install UT. (but your post is OT, isn't it?...)
The error returned, so I opened up the device and tried to refasten the cable connecting the touch screen (not that I was able to determine if it was loose at all, though) - hope it helps, right now it seems to be OK again. If not I guess I have to send it back for repairs. -
@hankschwie :crossed_fingers: