Payment to prepaid account not possible with UT?
Hi all,
payment to a prepaid account with UT doesn´t seems to work.
After entering the cash code in the format " * 101 * " <cash code># ", nothing happens.
Just get an endless turning wheel and no confirmation of the posting.
I faced the issue with "Deutsche Telekom".Is this a known issue or is there a workaround?
Tellina -
@Tellina I don't know if it is an issue or not. But if you are on OTA-12 maybe it doesn't work (no qt update). I suggest you to test on RC channel, where, i think there is qt update (sure on dev channel). No guarantee but you can see if it works or not because qt update has improved a lot of things.
@domubpkm There's no qt update in RC channel. There is QtWebEngine only update, but that is unrelated to this. The question is about using special calling codes in the dialer app.
I only use one special calling code to check my prepaid money: *100#, and that's also in Germany with Telekom and works fine from the beginning on.
@dobey It is a USSD code? Okay. I won't even be able to tell what's actually work on UT phones.
@kristatos Hi kristatos, thanks for your reply. When I use "your" mentioned code on my phone, I just get a "Bitte warten" & turning wheel popup.
@domubpkm Hello domubpkm, thanks for your answer. I receive (and install) continuously updates, currently OS-Build 2020-08-16 (Ubuntu Touch version 70).
@Tellina When I call "*100#" there comes a messagebox with "Bitte warten" and a spinning circle. After a few seconds there comes a notification with "Aktuelles Prepaid Guthaben: xx €" with two buttons (Abbrechen and OK). That works for the first SIM (Telekom) and the second SIM (Congstar).
@kristatos . Oki doki, many thanks for your great effort. So I have to take this "personal". Because I tried it again ("*100#") on my VollaPhone/GigaSet GS290 and even waiting (more than 2 minutes) did not help. Processing is hanging at the message box with "Bitte warten" and the spinning circle.