OnePlus Nord - Porting to premium new devices
Let's assume for a moment that OnePlus will see the overlaps in their Nord model, its targeted market and related objective role UBports could play in their expansion.
If OnePlus was to go 'the Pine64 collaboration route' by sponsoring UBports (providing dev resources as well), providing several Nord devices for development and planning for a UBports edition of their 'Nord' in stores and through their existing online sales channels, supporting Ubuntu Touch.
Would that not be an extreme opportunity to break the duopoly offering the best of all worlds?
@3T_Ed Your plea is good, accurate and valid. It is subordinated to the fact that a hypothetical partnership could be established between ONE PLUS and uBports or to the sole will (and means) of uBports to want to develop a new porting, but it is possible: in any case I think it will take time, so you (we) will have to be prepared to wait...
I'm not at all the spokesperson for VOLLA but note that two different OSes could be alternated (very interesting) and maybe the possibility of having a dual-boot (also very interesting). -
Agreed and I believe we're all into those options. OnePlus according to their videos are looking for ways to meet their unchartered potential markets, still very much depending on Android. I think it would be in a mutual interest for OnePlus and UBports to team up and the best and fastest way to break the duopoly on the market in HW and SW.
@domubpkm said in OnePlus Nord - Porting to premium new devices:
What do you mean by "closed"? I see that you still can preorder the Volla phone at Indiegogo ( or by email at; and they seem to be ironing out the last issues in the Ubuntu Touch port:
@GT Of course the smartphone is totally 'Open' to buy it
My expression 'closed' may not be totally appropriate: the most likely correct idea is 'not open source hardware' which may have slowed down the purchase of this good smartphone.
For what it implies, developers, more knowledgeable than me, will be able to back up the answer if they want. -
@domubpkm said in OnePlus Nord - Porting to premium new devices:
'not open source hardware'
Afaik Purism Librem 5, Pine64 Pinephone (see misconception and Necunos NC_1 should be considered to be the 'true Linux' smartphones that come as close to 'fully' open source available on the market in terms of hardware. [edit:]
Librem 5 appears to be the most 'freed' of proprietary hw/blobs. -
@3T_Ed said in OnePlus Nord - Porting to premium new devices:
Librem 5 appears to be the most 'freed' of proprietary hw/blobs
Is there an article you could link to that supports this claim, similar to the one from Pine 64?
This thread I started was aimed to get insight in the possible porting of the OnePlus Nord. As such I hadn't planned to discuss the differences between Pinephone and Librem 5.
And I shouldn't have posted my earlier comment, reading back I was wrong as I was referring to the binary blob for the Wi-Fi/Bluetooth issue still in the back of my mind. I'm sorry about that, the last thing I want is to keep any misconceptions alive. The last sentence has been striked through and apologies to @PINE64 are in place.