OTA should be on any channel, however stable channel is the more stable version of uTouxh and you should go to that one if you want the stabler experience.
RC can be a second choice, more up to date but little less stable.
@OhneZ The latest stable version is 89 , but for some reason it doesn't work. My last update on the Pinephone is to version 86 and for some reason, my phone didn't update to the newer versions.
@OhneZ So I have switched to RC channel and back to stable and it updated to version 8 so I guess that's the latest stable image.
@OhneZ It is confusing, you're right there!
The images on the ubports CI are described on that page as the "newest stable image" and "the build numbers of this job do not correspond to any useful OTA or Ubuntu Touch build numbers"
So #86 is a stable build of 29 Oct. I installed it to the eMMC on my pinephone and it worked but I've since switched to the dev channel.
My understanding of the channels is
Stable: system update will be via the major OTA's; 14, 15 etc. Most stable, obv
rc, the Release Candidate is/was a weekly update cycle. Fairly stable
and dev would be updated daily. Can go wrong now and then.
All channels get normal updates for apps, open store etc
But that's from using other devices, not the pinephone. As I'm writing this I find that I can no longer switch channels and Updates is saying "software is up to date" . I'm on Version 294. So I don't know what's going on!
As a footnote: I flashed #89 to sd card an hour ago and it booted up ok.
@ziggutas Switch between channels. Have patience, it might seem that the download is frozen. If doesn't work, restart, and repeat.
Thanks @C0n57an71n , I have plenty of patience; just miss the obvious things sometimes. The time was not auto set correctly. Manual set to today and not 1865, hey presto, updates roll in.
@ziggutas Many thanks for the explanation. Then I will stay on the RC and see when the Pinephone can be used as a daily driver. At the moment, with 6h battery life and other various problems, this is not given yet.