PDF through MMS
Today I tried to send an PDF via MMS. I failed and had to use email. First there was no "Other" in MMS attachments to choose from. There was only "Image", "Video", "Contact". (Note: I tried an image & choosed the PDF. An attachment was added (indicated by
) but was not sent.)
By design, Is there a possibility to send any file through MMS, or is the MMS limited only to image/video/contact?
Wasn't here a possibility to attach any file before, or do I misremember?Thanks for your time.
@jezek i remember having the exact same issue, and i think it's actually doable if you fiddle a bit with attachments
I remember testing to send PDF and it was working, apart from size limit which tend to be provider specific, it should be doable, so there is a bug in messaging app, could you report it to https://github.com/ubports/messaging-app/issues ?[EDIT]: Confirmed, at least the PDF is sent but not displayed[EDIT2]: Well i'm not sure if it used to work, a quick look into code, doesn't show anything regarding attachment others than image/video or text files. Messaging-app trigger the send method with the attachment, but seems not handled correctly in backend
[EDIT3]: Well we can see here https://github.com/ubports/telephony-service/blob/xenial/handler/messagesendingjob.cpp#L276 that kind of files are not handled and the attachment is replaced with a text_0.txt file
[EDIT4]: After some searching, it seems that providers support now application/pdf file ( maybe not for all ? ) but that was not the case the time UT was made and as we use SMIL format, we cannot support it
@lduboeuf yep, that text_0.txt seems familiar ^^