[Porting] Call for Testers
Since Saturday we now have call audio working, so the only real drawback is now that the WiFi does not show up on every boot, and we cannot put it right into the installer now. But, with the description in the beginning of this thread you can install the latest images and now have more features working
I have a Oneplus 5, doesn't boot past "1+ powered by Android" screen after following all instructions.
After running the script, I end up with these in /data
android-rootfs.img lost+found media rootfs.img
That should be correct with -s
Has anyone here gotten the current images to run on a Oneplus 5?
Hi everyone, I'm very happy to see this happening as a owner of both devices (5 and 5T). Not being a developer i would be very happy to help out with testing.
The building/flashing process (following the instructions on the pad) just works very flawlessly, but unfortunately I'm not being able to run the OS. I am using the oneplus5 to try this out and I am getting the same result many already got in this thread: stuck on oneplus logo.i checked the presence and size of the files on /data/ :
487043072 android-rootfs.img (slightly smaller then someone above)
3221225472 rootfs.imgand this is what dmesg says about it
i hope this can help someone to help me back. ask any questions i can try whatever.
@j0e Did you have encrypted partitions before?
thanks for your reply @flohack
yes i had it. but i wiped and formatted it on twrp.
and twrp not asking for the password anymore should be a sign of a not encrypted userdata, right?i turned off and then back on the phone and i can now telnet into the device. i can see some errors about /root/ being read-only on dmesg. any idea?
@j0e You have to flash rootfs.img(after execute that script,located in /data) into system partition.
@thomas-k8s thanks! either i missed that on the guidel or i didn't see it! I'll do it as get back home. How about android-rootfs.img? Do I have to flash it too?
@j0e No, I just flash rootfs.img to system partition and then it had been fixed
@thomas-k8s thanks that worked for me too
@j0e Great
In my street there's a shop that sells second hand devices. One of them it's the Oneplus 5t it's the 64GB/6GB RAM version around 100Β£.
I'm thinking of Oneplus 5t to replace my old nexus 5. It's a cheap solution for me and newer than my current device.
I'm ok with some of the bugs mentioned. Just need the basics, phone calls and sms are working fine?
Thanks for every feedback received!
@ivo_xavier Works fine, but I got problem when I used lte network. I can receive call but incoming is impossible
@thomas-k8s Thank you for your valuable input. I'm almost convinced that oneplus 5t will be my device for the years to come.
@thomas-k8s yes sorry, there is generally no VoLTE in Ubuntu Touch at the moment, and its very questionable if it will every be fixed, due to custom undocumented vendor applications. All mobile phone projects outside of Android and iOS struggle with that.
Even LineageOS does not support VoLTE on all ports.
BR Florian
Hi, thanks for your great work! I just tried your system on my device many things working well but there's a little flaw. The things that don't work on my oneplus 5T. (OS build number 2021-06-05)
dual sim: cannot detect/config the second sim card (I want only use cellular data from first sim) and tried to call the phone number of second sim, result shows the second sim not connected to mobile network
side switch key (a switch above volume key): the key can only wake up screen. On regular android system, this key is used for switch between sound profiles (top for silence mode, medium for vibrate mode, bottom for normal mode)
@fool Hi, yes sorry, the 2nd SIM is not operational now, we got some problems with that, it wont do any calls in a normal fashion anymore so we had to disable it.
For the second thing, yes, also the button is not functional, but its hard to integrate such buttons into UT, currently there is no clean way of assigning system actions to hardware buttons. That might change over time, but there is nothing planned currently. Also because nearly no current devices have such buttons.
GPS is marked as working, but I can't confirm this in multiple apps. I am using cheeseburger. Sensorstatus app has greyed out ticks, so it might not be signal related.
A strange behaviour (maybe not device related), is that I disabled key sounds and vibration, but I always get a vibration first time in an application session.
Notification LEDs are controllable by the sys class links, so maybe that is helpful?
I can't enable ssh service, but as I know this is a kniwn issue for halium 9 devices.
More impressions (of course also unknown positive ones) may follow.
Great work, I love UT on OP5!!! -
@nfsprodriver @vince1171 confirmed GPS working after an awful lot of waiting time. Please try again under clear skies and keep the device from sleeping...
I can confirm the GPS is working and it takes a while to get the position at least the first time. I used PureMaps. I am still running the first build has been published. Calls are woking fine for me both in and out and swithching audio through capsule/speaker/headphones.
The main issues i came across are just 2:
-bluetooth: i could pair my headphones but the connection is intermittant (while they're connected audio works). I couldn't pair a keybord.
-network switch: when i switch the wifi off or just go out o have to reboot the device to get mobile data working. It works fine the other way round. -
Anyone else with mobile data issues? I cannot enter new APN settings. Well I can enter them but they are not saved.
Edit: After a few attempts I managed to edit one marked as Contract to my settings, so at least I have basic set up.