Stuck in devel channel
I recently switched from stable to devel 386 ยป 387 ยป 389 to try out updated camera and morph. These worked fine, but Teleports was very slow.
However the dialogue to switch back to stable or release candidate was no longer shown on the system updates page.
Is there a command line solution or will this soon be fixed in devel?
I'd prefer not to have to re-install.
@dtarrant I just checked mine since I'm on devel as well and indeed the option at the bottom of the update page is gone however, it looks like it is now moved as a button in the header.
I think It's easier now to discover but it's harder for people who already expect it to be at the bottom. Good change though -
@kugiigi Great suggestion Kugi! Tried the top button and I'm safely back on stable now.
Thank you.
@kugiigi I'm on a roll now. Sending this from my Pinephone on release candidate!