Hy guys, I'm on OPO (stable channel) and no version of Firefox is working (all crash on launch). Do you know where I can download 78.8 esr version? I can't find it (on launchpad.net there's no downloadable package and on debian packages there are newer versions).
@eltanque9 - ESR packages posted to Mozilla's page seem to have now been updated to version 91 - but this crashes tabs in my test of it. https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages
I will make my own download links for Firefox-esr 78 and will post them up when available.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@eltanque9 - oops, it seems I only have the ESR 78 deb saved for arm64. maybe someone else has that file.
Best regards,
Steve Berson -
@TotalSonic Thanks for your work and time, I really appreciate your contribute (I'm using your arm64 build on my OP3)
L Lakotaubp referenced this topic on
T TotalRando referenced this topic on
i tried this and it still working but on a non https site only . i cant browse on sites with https
So setting the environmet varrible allows FF to work with http only pages: export MOZ_FAKE_NO_SANDBOX=1
This var needs to be set in the libertine container
Alternatives can be found here but the https issue still persists
@TotalSonic Can you please help to install Firefox-esr, as Firefox still not stable at least on M10.
@Spymaker There is no need to install firefox via Libertine. It is easier to install it via a click package from: https://gitlab.com/debclick/uFirefox/-/jobs/3244836194/artifacts/download
Just a thought but this is an old thread and most of the info out of date, might be easier for everyone to start a new one.
Currently the upstream desktop version of Firefox is perfectly usable in Ubuntu Touch (at least in tablets), all that's missing is clipboard support and some extra gesture support.
@hlbkv This thread is really old by now. Not much can be gained by resurrecting it, so I will lock it. Any new discussions on this topic are better served by starting a new thread.
A arubislander locked this topic