porting lenovo smart tab m10 plus x606
OK so it looks like me pressing the power button had no effect on the error. It outputted the same error without me touching any buttons.Failed to connect DA
is at least some clue. -
Yeah that's right. I'm trying now just to get Android 9 working on the tablet. -
I hadTB-X606F_S100015_191127_BMP
working on the tablet. But it was Android 10, not 9. Then I went on the next ROM which is the ROM ending 923 and the tablet won't power on. -
@marek_python Are you sure? Hmm...as you can see in the downloads site, it's the oldest file there so I would assume it is indeed the very first version.
Unfortunately I'm sure as it is the second ROM I tried and it was 10. I reckon it was the oldest release in that downloads folder which is little bit odd since it was supposed to be downloads folder with Android 9 releases.I'm trying to find out if there's any chance of getting TWRP working on it but how if it won't even boot into fastboot.
@marek_python I see. Actually I kind of remember that there was indeed weird with the dates there. Does SP flash tool still detect your tablet for flashing?
Also, have you tried Lenovo's rescue tool?On a side note, Dalton was indeed correct, flashing this tablet can be a PITA :grinning_squinting_face: I thought when I successfully did it, other people can just following my steps and notes.
What was important for my device, that I also choose the right "Download-Agent" (MTK_AllInOne_blalba.bin) from the image folder, which I wanted to flash.
I had the impression that it starts to flash more reliable without error, if I press (only) the volume down button, while plugging the usb cable.
Then I have had an issue, which is described here together with a solution:
https://www.programmersought.com/article/74183233522/But as you already did a successful flash, I don't think that you need this.
I am still not sure if you tried to boot your devices, without any plug in it... For me it was a solution sometimes.
It is also worth to try different long-press combinations with volume up/down or all together...
And did you try to enter fastboot mode?ah, you did -
No the flash tool isn't detecting the tablet. Good thinking with the Lenovo Rescue Tool. It has option to restore completely "dead" device. Sadly the restoration progress is stuck on "connect device and do flashing". Following:- Power off device (done. It's already dead
) and disconnect from PC
- Press volume up and connect to PC with USB.
- Click OK to continue
- Release volume key after restoration begins.
It looks like even their own tool can't detect it.
Will keep trying. All UT devices I've had were acting up at first and then they folded and UT was on it.
- Power off device (done. It's already dead
@marek_python @kugiigi @Luksus
Here the same.....starting lenovo rescue tool 40%, waiting 20 minutes nothing happened now it Ended With failure
These tools should detect device within few seconds. It shouldn't take minutes.I'm just wondering what we've done with it that even this tool can't seem to help.
I'd like to suggest to flag (or delete) that ROM from list of downloads. At least 3 devices are dead because of it.
The last thing the UT community needs is more dead tablets. -
Do you both have the same issue? Just blank screen, not even the Lenovo boot up screen?
I've got completely dead tablet. Won't power on.Things I've tried and done:
pressing and holding different combos of buttons to invoke
fastboot -
checked if tablet can be detected by SP Flash Tool
downloaded and installed Lenovo Rescue Tool and checked
adb and USB drivers. (tool won't detect tablet on pressed volume up and plug in) -
posted and researched on XDA site.
Oh wow....that sounds bad....
not even a charging screen or something? No fastboot or recovery?
I'm trying to get back all my conversations about my flashing journey. So far, it seems that the worst was my tablet is bootlooping in the Lenovo splashscreen and no charging screen. But I was able to reflash the latest stock ROM with the Lenovo rescue tool. After that I tried again and followed the steps I mentioned earlier and it went successful. Hopefully, you can still recover yours and flash UT. I think someone said that this tablet isn't easy to hard brick so good luck -
I was told that you can try pressing volume up when plugging the device to your PC or volume down.
Yep ... I've tried to torture the buttons in many different ways. -
@kugiigi said in porting lenovo smart tab m10 plus x606:
Do you both have the same issue? Just blank screen, not even the Lenovo boot up screen?
@marek_python so perhaps plug it in and let it alone for some hours, to let it charge a bit....
@luksus i will try that.....nothing has managed the Problem.......
Thanks -
Yeah I'll leave it charging for few hours. Though when I started messing with it the battery was well over 50%. No harm in leaving it on a charger. -
@luksus said in porting lenovo smart tab m10 plus x606:
@marek_python so perhaps plug it in and let it alone for some hours, to let it charge a bit....
Over night nothing happened.....I have no idea anymore