Telegram Notification
I had the same problem, to fix it, logout from your Ubuntu One account, delete it from Ubuntu web, uninstall Telegram, delete /home/phablet/.config/com.ubuntu.telegram and /home/phablet/.cache/com.ubuntu.telegram
Now, reinstall Telegram login with a new Ubuntu user account and it should work.
I just did it.
@uzanto i try it two times, with no success. any other idea?
@Einstein212 Did you delete the account completely from canonical server? or just logged out from your device?
Check in telegram settings if the notifications are enabled, because you can have it enabled on UBports system but not in telegram itself.
@uzanto i delete it here ubuntu one
notification is in telegram enabled and also in the system settings
@uzanto said in Telegram Notification:
I remember this being an issue before and being discussed on the Ask Ubuntu site. To be able to find the folder above, you have to enable "show hidden filesβ in File Manager. The process you detailed worked above for some user and I remember it working for me.
@UKPhil I delete both, the config and cache. But it don't works for me
@UKPhil Yes I had that issue too and I solved doing that this morning.
@Einstein212 when I delete my account I don't know why but I needed to chose a new username because to old one was still there, maybe that's crux of the matter.
@uzanto i switched my username and try another mail address
@uzanto seems like I am missing something big here, but how do you log into your web account for your Ububtu One account? I know how to do this when Ubuntu one was the online cloud storage account, but do not know how to do this now that it is related to your apps, or are they one of the same?
Guys, there are a lot of users who cannot solve this issue by all the steps described. We currently do not know what goes wrong, but it seems to be affecting either only special users or special user/device combinations.
I got here: BQ E5, N5, Fairphone 2, Oneplus One, and only on the N5 it does not work
@Flohack are there any news with a "new" notification function you planed after Canonical shut down the service?
Do you think this issue is solved with the "new" notification service?
I'd like to know, how the existing notification for Tg works and how a future should work.
The problem I see is, that the the mobile device gets an WAN IP addr (when data mobile is on) and could register this IP somewhere in some service. This has two problems: 1) the IP changes every now and than when the mobile wakes up and gets a new IP assigned (the registered IP addr maybe invalid when a Tg notification should be send) and 2) I did tests and could not connect to any services running on my mobile BQ E4.5 from outside (i.e. I ssh'ed to one of my servers from the device and did connects to the WAN IP my mobile has in that moment); it seems that the connects are blocked by the mobile provider.
The other method could e some 'polling', i.e. when the mobile is up or wakes up, it polls frequently the external service. This would require frequently wake-ups and would cause battery drain.
Said that, how the service will work? Thanks
@Einstein212 Yes we are starting to plan this, but because of resource issues we will likely just take over the existing functions for the moment. But if we run the server, we can at least try to debug what's going wrong when a device does not receive anything...
@guru Yes this is in fact a polling service. Your device looks every x minutes if there are new notifications. it is only push from Telegram/other service to the push server, from there its rather pull ^^
@Flohack Would this mew push pull server you talk about help resolce the notification issue where if you view a telegram message on another device, the UBPorts device still shows the notification, even though it has been read before? Also will it help stop the current issue where I getting email noyifications for the whole days worth, even though I have already read and actioned them previously?
This post is deleted! -
@Flohack I used telegram on my linage device without google apps. There is also a polling function or something, because it works without google services.
For me i will spend some battery power to get notifications... -
@UKPhil Hello,
no this issue will not be resolved, since Telegram server is sending the notification very fast, so even if you read it quickly, its already being sent to your device...
@Flohack that is a shame as this is something that really needs to be fixed going forward. All the other major os's do this and user have come to expect it. This already puts us on a bit of a back footing. Basic things like this really need to be addressed. It is not a case of copying the other, but user expect a certain level of technology now and not to have to go backwards.
This bug is realy the past i mixed up the telegram acounts with two different bq4.5 the bug rises again from time to time and i am running out of mail addresses for the ubuntu_one accounts
there might be a sort of workarround using a chatbot, raspberry and vpn, to get the new messages the chstbot grapps...