Views on an alternative source of funding via tokens
Hello Ubuntu Touch, I think my previous and first topic was unfairly closed because few dislike the proposal but I wanted to let that thread to listen to your points of view.
If the proposal to get real money to take Ubuntu Touch from niche to a real competitive OS, with enough resources is not welcome here because it may be seen by the foundation UBports as they are loosing their control on funds-donations. Where should I go an ask the opinion to the Ubuntu Touch community involved in the development?
The topic unfairly closed: will not be opening any more topics on this, I just wanted to comment about the unfair movement by moderators. I think I respectfully asked and answered in my comments.
@pipdickens I can't comment on the proposed scheme as I know nothing about how such things work, but in my experience anything that sounds too good to be true invariably is too good to be true.
@pipdickens It has already been stated that due to the legal requirements under German Federal Law which the UBports Foundation is incorporated that they cannot be financed by this method. This is not the Foundation as you imply being scared of loosing control of funds donated it is just not legally possible.
If you are serious and wish to enter into a formal agreement or look further into the details of doing so with the Foundation that is another matter and also as I said in the other thread not best conducted in an open community forum. The contact details can be found on the website.
If you want to gauge support for your idea by other community members may I suggest they either vote for or against your proposal in the normal way. I am however going to lock the topic again as under the present situation it is a non starter. A high number of votes one way or the other will be an indication of how people feel.
Thank you for your understanding. -
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