Sony Xperia X (F5121) Error: Core: manual_download Error: checksum_mismatch
Hi,You need to tell the forum what operating system you are working with and if you are using a VM (virtual machine).
The Ubports installer must match the type of your operating system.
It could be that you have a problem with the ELUA (End user license agreement) check.
Greetings Mario
@xr4ck said in Sony Xperia X (F5121) Error: Core: manual_download Error: checksum_mismatch:
I get this very chechsum_mismatch error, right after selecting the SW_binaries_for_Xperia_AOSP_N_MR1_5.7_r1_v08_loire.img file from Sony.
I have hash checked the file and the check sum matches.
I am using Windows 11 and in the Powershell typed in Get-Filehash {location of your downloaded file}. I then check the SHA256 checksum on the Sony site against the one displayed on the CLI and they both matched.
Hello Mario!
I was using Zorin 16 and also tryed it on Windows 10. I get these errors on both operating systems. I dont use any virtual machine.
I checked the checksum aswell and they did match. Thats why I dont understand why I get a mismatch error in UBPorts....
What version of the installer are you using? I use either 0.8.8 or 0.8.9. on all installs.
Not the first time i see a topic for hashrate errors on downloaded file in UBports.
One solution is to download the file with a browser, put it in the ubports download folder, and then run the installer like normal. -
@mrt10001 I used 0.8.8 but also older versions to check if the issue is version related.
@xr4ck, try the step, in Kenda's suggestion (see the post above).
Good luck!Greetings Mario
@keneda Hello Keneda! Thank you for your reply! Where can I find this very download folder? I have been trying to find it but failed...
As i don't have anymore a working PC at home, i can't tell... -
@xr4ck you have the right path? You need to select the ...loire.img itself not just the path to it. Thats sometimes missunderstanding.
@pingu Hello Pingu! Yes, I have marked the file itself, not just the path and also not the zip file.
I had the same problem until I found out that the installer wants the complete path to the zip file, not to the extracted .img.
This could be clearer in the documentation.