CalDav Tasks
Unless I missed something, CalDav Task synchronization is not available in UT today. There was a post regarding this topic a while ago (, and as far as I was able to see this did not change. Syncing calendars works fine (I'm using a Murena Cloud account now), but tasks do not show up in the calendar app, and the various "Todo list" type apps in the Open Store I think do not offer synchronization with a CalDAv server.
Is there a way of syncing CalDAV tasks with UT that I missed?
If not, I'm considering spending some time into app development to get this functionality. Ideally, I think tasks would be synced "natively" when adding an account, same as with calendar events, but this could be rather complicated to achieve, I have no idea though how/where this is done for calendar events. Second best option would be to re-use the credentials from the already stored accounts and re-use them in a separate app, which would handle task synchronization and display.
What do you all think about this? Anyone else looking for task synchronization? -
@ra Do calendar apps usually handle tasks too? If yes, then I guess it's better to do it in the calendar app instead of creating a separate app.
@kugiigi Well some do. But I think it still makes sense to have a separate view at least for tasks, since there is not only a date attached to a task but also stuff like priority, status and so on. Also, some tasks might not have any date/time information associated with them, so you would not know where to display them in the setting of a calendar app.