No sound recording on camera or other apps
When I record a video with the camera app, there is no sound recorded. The same if I try to record a sound message with the Recorder app. Permissions are granted. Mircophone works on calls. Microphone works on Parabola app - an app that sends the input from the microphone to the speaker or to the connected speaker.
What should I check? I don't even know where to start... Help!
And thanks in advance!
@mihael Hello. It is a known issue on some (all ?) devices. See . There is a script workaround fix by niaproxy at the end. The fix work well for me on my Volla but it isn't an official answer, only a very good workaround.
@domubpkm Oh, great, thank you very much! I will study that and implement the workaround and report back here the results.
@mihael Take the opportunity to add some comments on the bug report because this problem is not yet officially recognized (not noted in red 'bug').
First thing: I can confirm that after reboot the camera microphone can indeed record sound and then, after a phone call, the camera microphone cannot record sound anymore.
I will get back when I test the above mentioned workaround.
Second: I tried the fix from the above link and it works! I am so pleased, thank you @domubpkm for pointing me in the right direction!
@mihael You are welcome. Glad it worked for you.
Indeed, fix seems to work on all devices (regarding to users feedback).
I would be curious to know if that fix resists to OTA updates. Maybe if some of you are on RC or Devel, thank you to let us know if fix is still active right away after an OTA update
Thank you very much!
@stanwood Yes, that's something I forgot to mention: I'm on stable OTA23.