libhybris (android12.0)
The device I want to port, only android 12.0 environment, and in android system using allocator_hidl_4.0 interface and mapper_hidl_4.0. in the process of porting reported error: gralloc4: Buffer: 0x7f8800c540 has not been registered with Gralloc, not sure if this is related to libhybris or not?
1、In github I found that libhybris is only supported up to android-9.0、Replacing only libhybris-related libraries while keeping all the system's files intact will end up reporting gralloc-related errors, although there are different behaviors.
Note: libhybris-*.so are from separate images of different devices from ubports (e.g. jingpad, oneplus nord 3 5G, Samsung Galaxy A33 - A53, etc.) on the above, do I need to compile libhybris for my device?
Is anyone else experiencing a similar situation? -
Is there anyone who can answer this question??
@Lakotaubp someone to ping in mind ?
@Keneda Maybe @arubislander can help unless has some answers as where to go. Porting is not my thing and the above looks odd.
Porting is not my thing either.
@lxl for the quickest answers, best is to read through the FAQ linked by @Lakotaubp and joining the porting channel that should be included in therem
Porters visit the forums only rarely, so questions posted here can go some time without useful answers. Also, the trail and error nature of debugging is better served by communication that is more realtime.
- 10 days later
Sorry for the late response. Volla x23 port uses halium 12. You may use that as reference or you can join the porting telegroup for help.
Best of luck!