Dekko2 dangling messages
My Dekko2 keeps some dangling messages, which are actually not on the email server. Hence I can not delete them via. e.g. the web app. In dekko2 I can delete them from the inbox, which moves them to the recycle bin, but can not permanently delete them there. Hitting the delete icon just temporarily shows the undo button, but the message remains.
Fiddling around with dekko2.dekkoproject in .cache / .config / .local share I ain't really any wiser. It seems that .cache/dekko2.dekkoproject/mail contains only the message body.
Is it save, to use the dekko2 setting manage cache, to purge messages older then selection, i.e. without loosing messages on the server?
Also any other idea would be highly appreciated.
@mschmids after deleting some messages in the recycle bin on the email server, older then the dangling messages in dekko2, the later ones are now gone as well.
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