Hi everybody!
I would like to start by saying that I am grateful for this method of using Spotify on UBports, since making Spotify work was my greatest concern when switching from Android.
I have one problem though: I can't seem to enable write privileges in Iris. By default, it only has read access to your Spotify playlists, etc. When I try to enable write access in Iris' settings it just doesn't work. I press "Log In" under "Authorization" in the settings, proceed to login with Spotify and then I just reach a white page. Has anyone been able to enable the setting?
EDIT: I found a workaround! Installing the "Demo Browser" from the Open Store, using it to enable write privileges and then exporting the authorization from the Demo Browser Iris client to the Morph one (Iris settings > "Share configuration" > "Spotify authorization") I successfully enabled the write access