Wow, as soon as I put a USB2 hub between the phone and computer, the installation completed. Nuts.
RE: Cannot install, help!
RE: Futify (spotify client) need beta testers
New beta tester here. It works great! Thanks for this great app!
RE: Touch wont install
Another note for other reading here - I had a lot of trouble with the installer running in ubuntu, but it worked great from windows. Fwiw and ymmv.
Don't forgot to restore the stock partitioning on your n7 if you have re-partitioned for larger system partition for the newer android builds. You'll see file copy errors with the modified partition layout.
RE: Nexus 7 LTE General Bugs/Problems & Workarounds
Adding notes on my experiences here. I flashed the dev branch on my deb yesterday. Grabbed the boot image from here today and did:
# fastboot flash boot ./boot.img
Rebooted and working on setup steps here:
# sudo zramctl -s 2G
zramctl: no divice specified
# sudo zramctl --find -s 2G
# sudo start zram-touch
zram-touch stop/waiting
# anbox-tool installThis downloads a package, and then hangs. When I ctrl-c if after a while, the tracebach indicates it's in the waitForAnbox function, at time.sleep(1).
If I do anbox-tool disable, and then anbox-tool enable, it says 'start: Job failed to start' and hangs like before.
I'm going to have to try and get an external keyboard working so I can look for logs or something to see what's happening.
Thanks for all the work so far on flo and deb!