Yeah I was on the #ubuntu-touch chat channel yesterday. Users are working on it - we just need better to get ppl involved.
RE: Will snappy break everything?
Kyocera launches hand-soap washable phone
Just saw this about some washable phone on
RE: The hazards of monetizing free software.
@apple-muncy This theory was highlighted in a recent Lunduke Hour video. [ 59 minutes - Standard YouTube Licence ]
What the hell happened to the Ubport Station Dock on kickstarter ?
Just watching @mariogrip 's video from last year & it was clearly stated that this was a thing.
Re: ?
Is this a thing - or can we all put away our bitcoin wallets for another day ?
RE: Bounties and Bountysource ?
thirty days have passed so this has been updated.
RE: Browser won't run on Nexus 5
@izd Here's the bug -list we found on #ubuntu-offtopic
Also here: at No. 78th
Good Luck dudes !
RE: The hazards of monetizing free software.
This has been hashed out and re:hashed (out) elsewhere in #BadVoltage aswell
RE: UBports swag
You should really try Big Cartel, as they tend to fund 'artists' more and are more reliable when it comes to posting worldwide etc.
My 2Btc.
RE: Bounties and Bountysource ?
So In the Main News for this Topic : a bounty has been put out there - on (which is re-usable once you accrue the credit).
...... guess this was done to see whether this is a workable way to fund the website/projekt.
Wonder if anyone can hack it (the bounty, I mean) ?
RE: Ubuntu 'Official' Phone stands/docks.
So, there was some news on OMG Ubuntu:
@ChloeWolfieGirl brill. thing is they take crypto ...... so I am happy to share the bitcoin.
RE: Ubuntu 'Official' Phone stands/docks.
It was noted that there was a presentation about this precise topic at a recent conference.
No further information was available at the time.
RE: estimate release date
@ferd I was looking at Mick Hoff's paper daily and it looks like the op3 's ship may have sailed.
Long live the op3T !
RE: New attempt UB for Fairphone 2
Saw this post about the new Fairphone 2 "slimmer, more colorful case" | nice corners
These new one should work with the same port, wouldn't they ?
Website: ( 18th October 2016 - cached )
Ubuntu 'Official' Phone stands/docks.
Looking at a gallery recently made me want to invest for a 'stand' for my friend's Aquarius E5 (bq-phone).
Working with an official ubuntu phone without a proper clutch of gear-cases to go with it; means that I am getting complaints of marks.
Note the case / rack / stand doesn't have to cater for the pebble watch - but something that can be used as a charging stand would be good (?)
Last year was the last time someone I know could actually buy one of these Aquarius E5 phones, and over the last year a_lot of screen-harm has come to the phone so any guidance on where to get some kind of stand + case would be very helpful right now ?
RE: Which device (phone) is best atm for some testing?
Looking on zdnet I noticed these phones available soon/recently.
Just wondering (I won't go through the list here) - what phones would be a good starting point for testing ?
Be glad to know what users' thoughts are about what we can achieve; rather than looking to antiquated devices, these days
Anyway I have been away for some time - 'member to add to the Legacy devices page whenever you see a good fit
New Ubuntuy Touch Linux Installer off github.
Saw this off about a new tool to install off gnu + Linux.
Here's the video:
RE: Bounties and Bountysource ?
Now that the Bq Aquarius Plus is available on their website. How do we get it on the devices page to be ported ?
Emergence Story - /u/jonobacon Reaction to FairTrade Handsets 3+ years ago
Looking bhack at some of the videos online, I saw this video about JonoBacon's reaction to a
"Fair-Trade" handset back in January 2013.
RE: Right combination of sources for Fairphone 2
Citing sources from Trello; it looks like the team dropped it in Nov, last year \ by @dholbach.
Time/Date of Ubports-Patreon's September G+ Hangout ?
Just wondering when the next Patreon's google hangout is going to be ?
I've been patiently waiting for the hangout info. for weeks, as it is due this September.
Perhaps @mariogrip could help us here ?