@Bokkenn said in Clickable: C++ template does not work on Focal (20.04): I forgot to specify the architecture. Needless to say, adding --arch arm64 to the command fixed the problem. Sorry for taking your time for such a trivial issue. Glad you got it sorted, although it is odd, as since a few versions --arch arm64 has been the default for clickable. Very odd indeed. Do you have setup somewhere in some configuration that amd64 should be the default on your development machine? I believe it would be good to have some mechanism in place to warn me if I attempt to install a .click with the wrong architecture. It only said "failed to install" from the command line, and installing manually though the phone only gave an "incorrect package format" from the OpenStore. Well, the 'failed to install' bit on the command line and especially the 'incorrect package format' that the OpenStore throws are the mechanisms I guess. Now looking back at your original post, I see that the answer was staring us right in the face, in the name of the click: /home/phablet/appname.yourname_1.0.0_amd64.click. I guess now we know.