@unisuperbox said in I have ended my contract with the UBports Foundation:
Wow, didn't expect to see you around these parts. Thanks so much for your kind words, and for keeping an eye on things over the years. I know your readership (and the projects you follow) never make it easy for you. And now I'm coming at things from the same view as you, being absolutely overwhelmed by the things that come at me. My response to that stress has been remarkably similar to yours. So, here's my humble pie... Sorry for all that mess in 2017, and the bad blood that's come after.
I really appreciate your work.
Thanks man. I know our situations are a bit different (I'd argue you have a lot more to carry on your shoulders than I do) but when I read your post I instantly empathised. I've been in a similar trough and it's not fun to climb out of. Taking time out to step back and ground yourself is absolutely the right move, so it's great to see everyone here understands that and wants the best for you
The good news is you'll get through this and you'll be stronger on the other side because of it
p.s. you don't need to apologise for anything, 2017 etc was a weird time for a lot of folks in the Ubuntu sphere. lots of change, lots of uncertainty, lots of having to adapt quickly. In hindsight I could've and should've acted a bit better too, so it's not all on you or anyone else – I go into prickly hedgehog mode a bit too easily sometimes! 🦔