Hello, today I tried to build Ubuntu Touch for my J5 2016 but I have this problem. I can't build Ubuntu Touch because of make : *** [ninja wrapper] error 1 and ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. I tried to search the problem on Google but nothing worked. Any help will be appreciated
make : *** [ninja wrapper] error 1 and ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. while trying to build
ninja: error: 'vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/proprietary/lib/libMcClient.so' While trying to make the system.img for J5 2016
Hello so today I tried to make a system.img for my J5 2016 but it gave me ninja: error: 'vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/proprietary/lib/libMcClient.so'. I tried to put the .so file path in the proprietary-file.txt but that didn't work. And yes I did put the .so file in the folder that gave me the error. Help