@messayisto I tried many times, I tried it on ubuntu on windows, I tried on ubports-installer _9-beta, it never worked, I tried on ubports-installer_0.8.8-beta but this time the phone was stuck on "android one",
RE: mi a2
mi a2
The installation is finished on the mi a2 phone, this time the phone is stuck on the "android one" screen, I waited for about half an hour, it does not continue, what is the problem, can you help?
RE: xiaomi mi a2
@moem the installation is finished, this time the phone is stuck on the "android one" screen, I waited for about half an hour, it does not continue,
xiaomi mi a2
I'm trying to install ubuntu touch on mi a2 android 9 miui 10 phone, but it doesn't work, it says this device is not supported, I continue with manual action, I download the vendor file, it doesn't install.
I do not know where there is a deficiency, I need help, -
RE: samsung s3 neo ubports install
Thank you very much for your interest and concern,
I will try, -
RE: samsung s3 neo ubports install
Error: heimdall:flash: Error: {"error":{"code":1,"cmd":"C:\Users\FIKIRS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1raG3Aut6N5DTMPVp2eiGFFUdbP\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\android-tools-bin\dist\win32\x86\heimdall.exe flash --RECOVERY C:\Users\FIKIR SANCISI\AppData\Roaming\ubports\s3ve3g\firmware\halium-unlocked-recovery_s3ve3g.img --BOOT C:\Users\FIKIR SANCISI\AppData\Roaming\ubports\s3ve3g\firmware\halium-unlocked-recovery_s3ve3g.img"},"stdout":"Heimdall v1.4.0\r\n\r\nCopyright (c) 2010-2013, Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna\r\nhttp://www.glassechidna.com.au/\r\n\r\nThis software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is\r\nencouraged.\r\n\r\nIf you appreciate this software and you would like to support future\r\ndevelopment please consider donating:\r\nhttp://www.glassechidna.com.au/donate/\r\n\r\nInitialising connection...\r\nDetecting device...","stderr":"ERROR: Failed to access device. libusb error: -12"} -
RE: samsung s3 neo ubports install
Here are the steps:1-
(Do I need to install a software on the computer,)
samsung s3 neo ubports install
Can anyone write me the necessary steps to install ubports on samsung s3 neo phone?
it gives error, where am i missing something.
(in windows 11)