@hunter616 For both Focal (Pixel 3a XL) and Xenial (BQ E4.5) it recognizes the pendrives. Recognizing meens the envelope on the topbar lights up green, and I hear a sound. In Focal I can not eject the drives, so when I remove it from the phone and put another pendrive in, it does not react to the new drive anymore. In Xenial I don't see this behavior. After a reboot it works again.
Ejecting in Focal does work in the Terminal app ($ umount /media/phablet/name-off-pendrive)
Can you try after a reboot?
So you do not get the message the drive was attached. But have you also checked the filebrowser app if it shows up there? In the filebrowser you should tab on the hamburger menu.
Can you try the filebrowser app?
The drives are formated as isofs (Ubuntu install drive), msdos (Windows install drive :astonished_face: )