Hello; My phone is on Android; I want to swich into UTouch. Ok, I will look for the sp flash tool and Ubuntu zip file. Thanks
RE: Nexus 5 - UBPort doesn't react after rebooting to bootloader
RE: Nexus 5 - UBPort doesn't react after rebooting to bootloader
Hi ! Thanks for all those feedbacks.
So, I think I tried Pulsar33 solution. Here is what I tried :- Opening Android studio;
- gone to SDK manager / SDK tools,
- ensured all SDK tools are installed;
- gone to the Sdk folder, lunched a command with "adb devices"
- get my phone (which was on and on developper mode) listed.
- Started UBPort; no detection ...Waiting for device.
I will next try to find out how to use the Magic Device Tool and try this second way.
Details : wile i am running bootloader mode, is written on the phone 'Fastboot mode' ( red), 'SECURE BEEO - enable' (green) and 'LOCK STATE - locked' (white)
Thanks again; best
RE: Nexus 5 - UBPort doesn't react after rebooting to bootloader
I still didn't worked on this, will try this weekend.
So, if I well understood, to swich Android to Utouch, there is first the need of using adb daemon (that I downloaded from there) to use UBport next as described previously by Pulsar33 ?
I heard a lot about the magic device tool, thanks Lakota; if the first option is not working, is it possible to give me more info on how to run this tool; through the adb interface?
Thanks a lot for this support; best! -
Nexus 5 - UBPort doesn't react after rebooting to bootloader
Allo ! I just get a Nexus 5 that I turned into developer mode. I am using windows 7 so I was expecting to be able to use the UBport installer to get Utouch on the phone. Problem is that there is no reaction from the software after rebooting to bootloader. It seems important to note that the device is not automatically identified and that, when the phone is off, I get an issue with the USB MTP driver is not working at this time. Is there any link? If so, is there a way to get this USB MTP driver (not working with the latest_usb_driver_windows archive)?