I didn't had that much time the last week, but I think I solved this issue. It has to be something with ZFS as underlying file system. After putting the source on an ext4 the make_ext4fs command succeeded, so I think this issue is solved for now. Thank you all
RE: Porting to Motorola Moto G (2013) LTE
RE: Porting to Motorola Moto G (2013) LTE
Ok, some progress:
@doniks is right, the wrong command is executed, I somehow missed this. Issuing the command manually works.make systemimage
executes also the wrong command.I'll try to find the point where make_ext4fs is executed, and from where the "-l" value is taken, and maybe I can fix this for my environment. Any clue where to look in all the Makefiles would be highly appreciated
Many thanks for your help so far!
RE: Porting to Motorola Moto G (2013) LTE
I tried to build the same thing from a chroot environment, but still the same error. I even copied a few hundred gigabytes to the folder, so disk space can't be the issue.
Setting the BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE higher and higher did not worked, I even tried setting it to 8808038400, which means 8400MB as System-image-partition-size, but same error.
Here the steps I took until I could build:
- Initializing repo with
repo init -u https://github.com/ubports/android -b ubp-5.1
repo sync
. build/envsetup.sh
- Adding a motorola_peregrine.xml file in local_manifests with the following content
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <manifest> <project name="android_device_motorola_peregrine" path="device/motorola/peregrine" remote="cm" revision="cm-12.1" /> <project name="android_device_motorola_msm8226-common" path="device/motorola/msm8226-common" remote="cm" revision="cm-12.1" /> <project name="android_kernel_motorola_msm8226" path="kernel/motorola/msm8226" remote="cm" revision="cm-12.1"/> <project name="android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="cm" revision="cm-12.1"/> <project name="proprietary_vendor_motorola" path="vendor/motorola" remote="them" revision="cm-12.1" /> </manifest>
repo sync
- Adding a missing vendorsetup.sh with the following content to use lunch:
add_lunch_combo cm_peregrine-userdebug
lunch cm_peregrine-userdebug
make -j9
At that point I'm getting the same error as above. If I change the BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE the only line that changes is theThe max is xxxx MB.
So basically, everything as it is written in the Porting Guide.
Many thanks for your help - Initializing repo with
RE: Porting to Motorola Moto G (2013) LTE
@doniks df says that it has enough space (2TB). But I'm building inside a lxc-container so I'll establish another build environment later without a container and check if this can be the issue.
@demokrit I tried increasing the SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE, but it didn't made any difference. My Partition (1157627904) is even bigger than the one from the Nexus 5 (1073741824).
Porting to Motorola Moto G (2013) LTE
I try to port ubport to my Motorola Moto G LTE (peregrine). I managed to get everything working with the cm12.1 sources. But after executing the make command, I get the following error:
make_ext4fs -T -1 -S out/target/product/peregrine/root/file_contexts -l 79560704 -a system -L SYSTEM out/target/product/peregrine/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img out/target/product/peregrine/system Creating filesystem with parameters: Size: 79560704 Block size: 4096 Blocks per group: 32768 Inodes per group: 4864 Inode size: 256 Journal blocks: 1024 Label: SYSTEM Transparent compression: none Blocks: 19424 Block groups: 1 Reserved block group size: 7 error: ext4_allocate_best_fit_partial: failed to allocate 2511 blocks, out of space? error: failed to build out/target/product/peregrine/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img from out/target/product/peregrine/system Out of space? the tree size of out/target/product/peregrine/system is (MB): 66 out/target/product/peregrine/system The max is 1104 MB. build/core/Makefile:1188: recipe for target 'out/target/product/peregrine/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img' failed
I read somewhere that it could be the size of the system.img partition, but I think it wouldn't be a good idea to change this. The remaining hard-drive space also couldn't be an issue. Does anyone experienced the same or knows a solution?