I added minutes to this phone and to my surprise it does make phone calls. Talked for about 2 minutes without dropping. Dialing seemed really slow. When the number is called it goes straight to voice mail. Not a surprise since it says on the pixel UT install sheet it doesn't work with VoLTE. I was able to access my VM and interact through the menus. Text and data have been working well for a week. Just thought Id share my findings if someone was looking for a provider here in the states.
Pixel 3A XL, UT 20.04 OTA4, provider is Tello Mobile with physical sim. Tello.com
RE: Tello VoLTE
RE: Sudo password?
@arubislander I will be honest I'm not sure, I'm really new at this. I saw that UT supports many ubuntu 20.04 programs so I thought I would try to install express vpn since I have a subscription. This is a second phone to me so if I make mistakes I can always start over and learn from what I did wrong. My research led me to think maby the drive wasn't mounted correctly but I haven't had time to check yet. Its very possible express vpn wont work on UT but I will look into the other installation method you spoke of. Thanks!!
RE: Sudo password?
Ok mark this as closed please. Seems the numbers might be touchy or I wasn't doing something corcorrectly. Here this shows the PW worked.
Thanks everyone!!
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for phablet:
Matching Defaults entries for phablet on
env_reset, mail_badpass,
secure_path=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/binUser phablet may run the following
commands on ubuntu-phablet:
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ -
RE: Sudo password?
@arubislander It may have worked this time but I came yo with an error I will have to look into.
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls Downloads
'20220718_174553 (1).jpg'
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo dpkg -i
[sudo] password for phablet:
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for phablet:
dpkg: error: unable to access the dpkg database directory /var/lib/dpkg: Read-only file system
May its just a bit picky and I will try a few more commands other than this one till I look at it more. Thanks !! -
RE: Sudo password?
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo ls
Documents Music Videos
Downloads Pictures
No PW for ls but I'm not sure what you had there cause it looks more like a 1 not an lowercase "L". -
RE: Sudo password?
The four digit pin gets me into the terminal but says incorrect password after initiating the sudo command. I've tried several times hoping I fat fingered a key but no it doesn't work. Also I am not trying to change the PW just doesn't seem that I know the password. Ubuntu T installed without issues and has only been on the phone a few days
Sudo password?
Trying to install express vpn and I noticed my log in code works to open the terminal but when asked again after sudo it says incorrect password. Looking online I also tried ubuntu and ubports which didn't work. I also checked the telegram faq. Sorry for the noob question and sorry if this is not in the correct thread. I don't want to get locked out haha. I have a screen shot of the teminal comands used with the warning of the 3rd attempted incorect PW but I dont see a way to post here. Cheers o/
Tello VoLTE
Hello all!! New here with a fresh Ubuntu touch install on a Pixel 3A XL. I had 2 weeks of Tello service left so I tossed a sim in and I can confirm text and data are working so far. My service does not including voice atm so I cant try that. Looking forward to testing this OS out!! Cheers o/