Thank you for all of your replies. I understand how this must have been mentioned before. But without somebody being a naggy bi*** things will never speed up Sure, a web browser would let me control all my finances, but to get in I would have to log in with secure identification. That is what we have bankid for. Without it, I have to use a code generator provided from my bank. This is easily forgotten when you leave the house, and easily lost. Bankid follows the sim card actually, so even if I swap between android devices (probably iphones too, I've just never tried one) I still can log into my account, from laptop, mobile browser or whatever. So it's not a lack of a bankapp that bothers me. And since it follows the sim I would guess it to be plausible and not something I would need Anbox for. I work with radioactive isotopes and I'm mostly confined in a bunker, with shitty cell reseption. Wifi is great though, so voWiFi is an absolute must for me. But I suppose one would have to lobby the cellphone companies to get them to develop it for UT?