Calendar problem
originally did not sync .
So I tried uninstalling and reinstalling
Unfortunately, it can no longer be installed.
Now tested with OTA-8
Calendar problem
originally did not sync .
So I tried uninstalling and reinstalling
Unfortunately, it can no longer be installed.
Now tested with OTA-8
I did a Reinstall without deleting user data and it stayed pretty much the same.
Tried wiping /cache and /tmp and it didn't help either
problem :
used by the system
they compare with other redmi note 7
used by the system much (many times larger)
How to clean??
problém : Používá systém, porovnávají se s jinými poznámkami redmi 7 používanými systémem mnohem (mnohokrát větší) Jak čistit??
I'm just guessing can you run the installation like on a PC or is it fully automatic?
From what did you install ?
directly ?
if so, then when installing Ubuntu in the step of selecting the disc you can set ( change ) the size of /
My problem with the gallery ( displays only black squares ) was solved by playing the new system installation over the usb cable
(20.04 )
Redmi note 7 . UB 20.04 ota-4
Problem losing voice during call.
tested has a connection with switched on cellular. data
if there is a data connection via wifi problem is not , emergency solution turn off cellular data during call. Then the call does not lose voice.
Redmi note 7 ver 20.04 (OTA-4)
when plugging in the charging of the switched-off phone, the fasboot automatically activates
Personally, the GPS works, but it is unreliable, wifi must not be turned off and sometimes the phone must be completely restarted.
then sometimes it takes minutes or tens of minutes for the GPS to find the location
I would try a different USB port and a different connection cable
my informative Test = comparison of 16.04 and 20.04 Xiaomi Redmi 7 note
16.04 OK
20.04 calling and texting OK
internet problems when switching wifi to mobile data
Media playback not working with bluetooth output
Battery drain 25% more.
Non-functioning indicator led control.
Not a criticism just my experimental comparison I'm glad people are dedicated to this OS and moving forward.
I had a problem with MMS in case of 2x sim card with 1x sim MMS ok
( in 16.04 ota24)
aktualizace in USB ... error check sum ....
choose skip and the update is completed in the ok
GPS, even after reinstallation, does not work
This also happened to me, the GSM part disappeared.
The solution for two devices after this flawed update was.
Reinstall help PC - usb ubports-installer