@Moem We'll have to see if he answers me, I still believe that the Redmi Note 8 cell phone has the potential to become an Official Port.
RE: I need help to install an Ubuntu touch port
RE: I need help to install an Ubuntu touch port
@Moem said in I need help to install an Ubuntu touch port:
@pachof Here is some information on how to install this unsupported, unofficial port:
https://forums.ubports.com/topic/5109/how-to-port-ubuntu-touch-on-redmi-note-8t-willow/2?_=1700487129559I will move your topic out of the porting section now, because what you are trying to do is installing, not porting.
Thank you but that Port is the Xenial version and what I am asking is the Focal version, I am referring to some instructions to install the Port that I am referring to
I need help to install an Ubuntu touch port
Hello, I want to install this Port but I don't know how to install Ubuntu touch and I want to install it here I leave the Port https://github.com/areyoudeveloper/ubports-ginkgo
Help, I got errors To compile for Samsung Galaxy grand prime
Help me
help me pls "[1/1] /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/.minibootstrap/minibp /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/.bootstrap/build.ninja [54/55] glob prebuilts/ndk/stl.bp [77/77] /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/build.ninja FAILED: /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/build.ninja /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build -t -l /home/pachof/halium/out/.module_paths/Android.bp.list -b /home/pachof/halium/out/soong -n /home/pachof/halium/out -d /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/build.ninja.d -o /home/pachof/halium/out/soong/build.ninja Android.bp error: device/samsung/msm8916-common/rro_overlays/TetheringOverlay/Android.bp:1:1: unrecognized module type "runtime_resource_overlay" error: hardware/samsung/interfaces/Android.bp:3:16: unrecognized property "use_current" error: hardware/samsung/AdvancedDisplay/Android.bp:13:18: unrecognized property "platform_apis" error: hardware/samsung/hidl/sensors/2.1/Android.bp:29:20: unrecognized property "vintf_fragments" error: hardware/samsung/hidl/thermal/Android.bp:8:18: unrecognized property "vintf_fragments" error: hardware/samsung/hidl/thermal/Android.bp:48:1: unrecognized module type "sh_binary" error: hardware/samsung/hidl/power-libperfmgr/Android.bp:32:20: unrecognized property "vintf_fragments" error: hardware/samsung/hidl/vibrator/Android.bp:21:20: unrecognized property "vintf_fragments" error: hardware/samsung/aidl/power-libperfmgr/Android.bp:27:20: unrecognized property "vintf_fragments" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:20:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: device/samsung/gprimelte-common/init/Android.bp:20:23: unrecognized property "recovery_available" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:37:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:54:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:71:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:88:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:105:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:122:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:139:17: unrecognized property "check_elf_files" error: vendor/samsung/msm8916-common/Android.bp:144:1: unrecognized module type "android_app_import" ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. 21:23:25 soong bootstrap failed with: exit status 1 "
hello I need help I have compilation problems when compiling halium system for samsung fortunalteub
here is the error
ninja: error: '/home/pachof/halium/halium2/out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/d8', needed by '/home/pachof/halium/halium2/out/soong/.intermediates/frameworks/base/packages/EasterEgg/EasterEgg/android_common/dex/EasterEgg.jar', missing and no known rule to make it 14:12:21 ninja failed with: exit status 1
hello a question is there any port for the samsung gt-i9082l or gt i9080l, and if there is not then is there someone who wants to make a port of these devices
hello need a port for the samsung grand duos gt-i9082l or samsung grand gt-i9080l to give a second life to my old phones