Greetings all...I use UBports on a Nexus5 outside of the US. However, I use US English as the preferred language. As such, the phone number wants to format to the US style (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Where I am, the format is different, xxxx-xxxx. Is there anyway to disable this auto-format of the phone number when entering contact info (or from within in the dialer)?
Telephone number format
RE: Cronjob help needed
Forced to find a solution elsewhere, I finally decided to edit the crontab file directly (located at /etc/crontab). Making the change directly instead of using crontab -e worked for me. I generally don't like editing that file directly since errors can cause all cronjobs to fail.
Cronjob help needed
Greetings all,
I'm trying to set up a cronjob to turn off my UBports powered Nexus 5 each day at a certain time.Here is what I did from a terminal:
sudo su
mount / -o rw,remount
crontab -e
(here is my crontab entry made, and saved via Nano: 30 19 * * * shutdown -h now)
(to auto shutdown at 7:30pm each day)The cronjob is not running (at least the phone is not shutting down as I would expect).
I noticed that the crontab file I modified is located in the /tmp directory so I suspect that it is being deleted each time the phone reboots. Perhaps there is another way or place to modify the cronjob as root?Any ideas or help much appreciated.