Where can I finde these Browser "Next"?
owncloud app for Aquaris E4.5 from BQ
I have an Aquaeris E4.5 from BQ with Ubuntu 16.04
The official owncloud app is not compatible with my phone / ubuntu version?
Is there an app which will work?
Is there a app for calcav and carddav? -
RE: WhatsApp or WebWhatsApp
I have this app
https://open-store.io/app/whatsappweb.thanassiand tested
... both does not work
WhatsApp or WebWhatsApp
The browser on my BY Aquaris E4.5 with UbuntuTouch does not work with the WebWhatsApp ... what can I do? When I start WebWhatsApp it will start and a few seconds later I will get the information that something went wrong
Dekko (old) or Dekko2 for Aquaris E4.5 from BQ
I have an Aquaris E4.5 from BQ; my problem is, that Dekko2 will not run on my smartphone witrh ubuntu touch. Is there a chance to get the old Dekko (which will run; I used it before)? Or is there an email app which will work?
Arne -
Apps / eMail for BQ E4.5 ?
I've got a BQ E4.5 with UBports Ubuntu touch ... is it normal, that Dekko2 / eMail App does not run on this smartphone? I have also problems with telegram, telegram web and web whatsapp ... they also don't work. :-(((( On original canonial ubuntutouch there was summergram ... a version of telegram which works and also dekko (one) ...
Do you have an idea what I can do?