@hoh61 No the problem lies in the Android container and its proprieatary drivers. The Ubuntu side of things is fine since video recording and playback works well on other devices. Please do understand that currently there will be not much investment into this device, because there is only a handful of users, its rather slow compared to others which makes the Ubuntu Touch experience very limited, and it is based now on Android 5.1 and a very old kernel, which will create a ton of issues for the 20.04 upgrade. After we upgrade to 20.04 we will focus on devices mainly based on Android 9 and above, and only after all those that we want to lift up, there will be time to look at older ones. Please understand that, we have so limited resources, and we need to look on hardware that people want to buy in a shop, with preinstalled UT, rather than only having support for devices that you can buy as used. Our partners are targeting Android 10, 11 and 12 now, and we need to expedite our efforts to support those hardware pieces.