Is anyone working on making these changes?these mockup are fantastic.I would love to contribute in developing the website as per the mockups.Is anyone working on it already?
RE: Calling all developers to break down the new onboarding web page
RE: New Website Issue Reporting.
@sanath-usk-0 Also after the rewamp, i feel user cannot find the link to telegram channel matrix easily.I could not find it in the first attempt.I could locate the links only after I was point to link in ubport group to naviagte Community/Contact/Consumers under menu.I feel the telegram/matrix links needs to be placed in more prominant place .I see that we have a "Follow Us" section at footer of each page but it does not list telegram/matrix.
RE: Android 10
@Flohack @Jami @vince1171 Can you please confirm the right version of android that op5t needs to have originally installed for ut installation to work?